89.000  10.6.   1545-   
I: Radio Libertà, "La Tua Radio", Milano. Cremona tx. Tämä asema puuttuu FM-lististä, mutta löytyy googlaamalla laittamalla sloganin ja taajuuden. Kuulutuksen alkuosa hukkui muuhun ääniainekseen, mutta La Tua Radio tuli erittäin hyvin. Tunnettu aikaisemmin nimellä Radio Padania Libera. Tuolla nimellä OLL-haku tuottaa kolme aiempaa lokausta. Myös "La tua voce libera, senza filtri né censure per un'informazione quotidiana e in diretta" slogania käytetään striimissä. JJK

Forwasin tästä 'korjauksen' Fabrizio Carnevalinille ja hän vastasi:

Hello Mauno,
thanks for the tip. You have to understand where it comes fr om. Because if you trust what Google says, you will go way off trackAnd you will end up re-inputting the errors I took years to remove from FMLIST. In fact, I would ask you to send this message to the Finnish list wh ere you got it. So, as you said, by searching 90.0 and Radio Freedom, TuneIn appears. From there, scrolling through the station data, the city of Cremona appears. But if you look closely, you can see that Cremona is not the city of the station, but that of the headquarters. A mistake that the person who entered the then Radio PAdania Libera must have made years ago, and which has never been corrected. In vcremona, in fact, there has never been any headquarters or frequency for the radio station, which has always had its studios in Milan, in Via Bellerio, in a former disused factory. Radio Libertà has almost no FM frequencies because it saw them years ago at Radiofreccia. There were two left, kept only because in order to broadcast on DAB (to which it migrated after selling the FM network) it is necessary to have a frequency modulation system. Now, it is possible that there have been changes, but that equipment has to be searched for.

Mukavaa juhannusta,


Risto Kotalampi kirjoitti 24.6.2022 klo 2:25:

Ohessa lokaukset edellisen 7 vuorokauden ajalta.

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