>   If any of the other market makers have an Names and Numbers they would like 
>published, please start a spread sheet and e-mail it to me.

I have considered a real-time blacklist and determined that it is a waste of time.

E-Gold does not do any verification of information (the way it should be IMHO).  So 
anyone can go in and create a new account, use some freemail email address and go out 
and commit fraud.

What I would recommend is a voluntary verification service, something else I would be 
willing to do.

This could also tie into the merchant feedback system.  When a customer provides 
feedback the system would add points to their account.  The market makers could use 
that as a basis on how to do  business with that customer.  Very similar to how credit 
reports are done.  The registered merchants would only see account number and 
transaction history.  Account holders could opt to do an address verification that 
would add points.  The address
information would remain confidential unless some proof of fraud comes up.

Does this spark any ones interest?

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