At 09:54 AM 2/14/2001 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>For those of us in the US, do you remember the Coca Cola ads 
>>around the Super Bowl a couple of years ago where Mean Joe 
>>Green was going in to the  lockers and a youngster tried 
>>talking to him, and finally got his attention with a Coke?  The 
>>ad won awards, is one of the best known ads on TV, yada, yada, 
>>yada.  Yet Zyman (who was CMO at Coca Cola at the time) pulled 
>>the ad very quickly.  Why?  "Because it didn't bring more 
>>customers into the stores."
>>Advertising needs to be consistent, timely and focused.
>That story is not really relevant George - sure, some ads work and some don't.

Sure it is.  Doesn't matter how good the ad appeals to customers 
or how many awards it gets, the important thing is how much 
business did it bring in.

>(Have you ever met Sergio, BTW?)

Sure did.  Helluva nice guy.

>However advertising, generally speaking, certainly works.

Absolutely.  I always say there is no such thing as bad 
advertising.  Of course, some is better than others.  And you 
have to spend your money wisely.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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