The unsigned article "Dreams of a cashless society" [The Economist,
p.65, May 5th, print version] dismisses e-gold as a "virtual" currency
"used as pay that avoids the tax man". I would have expected a modicum
of critical discernment from the Economist. Electronic payment systems
and especially privately issued currencies will succeed or fail based on
the soundness/coherence of their economic logic and the strength of
their business model. Lumping e-gold in with beenz, flooz and PayPal is
an indication that the writer has not examined issues such as the
loading function or the value proposition embodied in the circulating
liabilities of the various issuers. The point of e-gold is immediate
settlement with extremely low direct costs, non-repudiation, an
efficient automation interface, bi-directionality [fostering an active,
competitive exchange market], combined with zero credit or liquidity
risk. When you are ready to undertake a serious analysis please contact

Douglas Jackson MD
Founder and Chairman, e-gold Ltd.
CEO, OmniPay

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