> http://goldenpyramid.vze.com/
> At least they say it is a game and a true pyramid.

But they still claim that you *will* receive the funds, and are basing it
in US$.

However, they are trying to at least be legitimate about the fact that
they are a pyramid. Their commission fees are rising (5% before May 29,
10% until June 19, 40% after June 19) to help pay off the increasingly
larger amounts of people.

So, instead of disappearing in the night and leaving a lot of people, who
can't do the math, wondering were their money is, they are just going to
fade away as their commisssion fees approach/exceed 100%. People will be
told up front that they will receive no return on their 'investment'.
Well, only if they can do the math to realize that if they're charged a
100% commission, then that leaves a grand total of $0 to play with. It is
very easy to give a 5000% return on $0.

If only the US Government was that cooperative when talking about their
Social Security plan. :)

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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