> > Yes, I realise this however the affadavit swears that the
> > customers
> > sent their credit card payments to e-gold, who then sent the
> > payment
> > to Europ-credit or whatever they were called. ...

I think someone is misreading the quote:

"[...] To invest in the Angelic International program, an investor deposits
money via a credit-card transaction or wire transfer into accounts opened in
their names at E-Gold. ..."

Note that E-Gold is not said to have accepted the credit card; rather a
credit card transaction 'could' be used to deposit money into their e-gold
account. Several MMs may have done this. Probably not that many.

 "... E-Gold then transfers E-Gold "currency" (in U.S. dollar denominated
amounts) via the Internet, from the investor's account to one of three
Angelic International accounts held at E-Gold. Any investment returns from
the trading program are to be transferred back to the investor's E-Gold
account. [...]"

E-Gold handles the transfer since it's done in the E-Gold system.

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