Editor, Wall Street Journal
Re: The Dollar’s World, Theory vs. Reality
15 August 2001, p. A14

Charles Kadlec is advocating monetary reform that emphasizes price
stability and reduces the role of centrally planned discretionary
elasticity…but uncritically embodies the premise that money is a public

Price stability isn’t the problem. Contractual stability — performance
according to the rule of law — is. When a sovereign repudiates his
monetary obligations the damage is uncompensated. A rehash of the gold
standard or explicit definition of some other numeraire won’t change
this. Likewise, a supranational central bank would only exacerbate the
tendency. There is, however, a paradigm that systematically eliminates
the flaws that have doomed every antecedent monetary regime to
inevitable corruption.

The elements are:
1) privately issued base money that circulates efficiently via a remote
payment system but entails no credit or liquidity risk,
2) a second tier currency board (also a private firm) that uses the base
money as its redemption medium.

Both layers are real time gross settlement (RTGS) systems. Both operate
on a strict debit basis and can therefore permit direct end user access
without exposing themselves to credit risk. The base money, being
non-fiduciary (unable to derive revenue from a treasury function), is

fee based. The second tier currency entails no fees of any sort because
the issuer may hold remunerative assets.

This differs radically from the classic gold standard because it entails
a realistic redemption discipline. Anyone at any time has recourse to
the non-financial base money without loss of access to efficient
transaction mechanisms. Both systems expose automation interfaces
facilitating the emergence of multilateral netting arrangements. Direct
end user access and immediate settlement also means that real time
settlement of securities trading becomes feasible, especially using the
currency board’s fee-less medium.

Dr. Douglas Jackson
Chairman, e-gold Ltd

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