On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 10:58 AM, Privacy wrote:

> http://www.gcn.ou.edu/~jahern/comp_aps/dave_barry_column.html

Mike wins! It was the snowball cam (and I had NO idea his article
was still around). Believe it or not, I tossed a few of the first 1000
"snowballs" - that site was hugely popular,  and back then a 14.4
modem was "fast"! Finally, the US Airforce took it down, IIRC. I
did score a few "hits" before they did, though, so now I wonder if
I ever nailed Parker!?!

I also used to brew my own beer...I had lots more time back then!

PS Please send e-gold acct. # and I'll click you the 2 grams of gold.

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