>>Australian ... being a country peopled entirely by criminals

>Speak for yourself! My ancestors were free settlers.

I thought we were all Princess Bride fans here? Anyway, if you had a 
choice of where to settle, why would you choose the worst continent 
on Earth, with the most inhospitable climate (especially for white 
people), criminals everywhere, the most primitive and savage natives 
on the face of the Earth (in the 19th century the vast majority of 
Aborigines were living in the stone age technologically), the most 
number of poisonous snakes, spiders and insects etc? Even Africa or 
the subcontinent was a better place to settle provided you didn't get 
an exotic disease.

Maybe your ancestors had good reason to want to leave the old country 
(I'm assuming somewhere in Europe) and maybe not, but why the ^&%#^ 
would they come to Australia?

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