Hi jrw,
> i think there are at least 4 public gold list archives out there, most
> of which do some obfuscation of source email address, but an
> individual could certainly reconstruct subscriber addresses. but there
> are almost certainly harvesters subscribed to all the lists, so the
> archives aren't a factor.

Frankly if someone can be bothered to reconstruct addresses manually or
even to subscribe to lists to harvest a few hundred addresses it does
not bother me so much. Targetted spam is not the problem... in fact if
spammers sent something useful that showed they had gone to the effort
to collect my address because I might actually be interested, I would
probably give them the time of day to read it. But I don't think anyone
is going to bother to construct lists manually to send out Viagra ads. I
am sure all that is done by harvester bots.

> the source of spam is not e-mail lists, it is spammers. IMO, removing
> or two public archives would not affect spam, but would remove useful
> tools from the community.

OK. If people find the archives useful, so be it. I was just questioning
whether that was in fact the case. I am subscribed to other lists which
do not have public archives and I don't get spam from those. And
personally I have never used any gold list public archives and find it
hard to envisage a circumstance in which I would need to.

> several of the bayesian spam filters do a real good job, the one i
> use is correctly identifying spam ~90+% of the time. i find that
> "spam assassin" is a nice server based filter.

OK thanks.


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