At 8:25 PM +1200 6/11/03, Graham Kelly wrote:
>transactions were completed in this time. It was the only ecurrency that
>actually came close to competing head to head with e-gold. Competitively,
>e-gold admin must have sighed a collective sigh of relief when OSGold

As I kept saying at the time (see archives!) the sound was laughter.

I have had respect for some competitors, but I never showed ANY
respect for "OSgold" (see archives) and neither did anyone else
'round these parts. You can keep asserting it all you want, but it's
never been true, Graham. Craig (Snowdog, see the archives) was
REPEATEDLY doing the math on their "OSopps" scam -- LONG
after e-gold booted you (and the other sellers of that crapola!) off
their site -- to many whines (see archives). e-gold was prescient in
that action, and nobody who whined has ever apologized (again,
see the list archives) and/or said "hey, maybe e-gold was RIGHT
to distance themselves from that scam, since essentially 'OSgold'
as a currency was a way to keep one Ponzi from getting slapped
with a value limit." Not apologizing's ok, distorting the facts isn't. I
repeat, I *NEVER* showed that scam any respect (see archives!).

If another scam-currency comes along with its own Ponzi and its
own "Laurie Dyke" to claim "150% backing" or some nonsense,
I'll disrespect _THEM_ next! I'm old enough at this point that I'm
unlikely to change, and nobody would believe me if I tried.

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