Oh!! so thats two people now that haven't received their product???
Definitely a scam.

On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 04:00 PM, luu wong wrote:

> Does ANYONE at cashcards ever reply to emails? I funded the purchase
> of a
> cashcard debit card (after no one ever repled to my repeated requests
> for
> the so-called free one) 9 days ago on June 2nd. The e-gold batch
> number to
> cashcards e-gold account 274303 is 173448274. All requests for
> confirmation so far have been ignored i.e NADA response. Are they out
> of
> business? If not this is sure NOT the way to build a a client base.
> Please please if you guys at cashcards or anyone else can get this
> order
> through please do so!!

I hate to say it but back on 16-May I also responded to their offer of
a free debit card and haven't heard or received anything yet.  A week
ago I sent a gently worded email asking when I might expect to receive
it, but got no response.  I wasn't going to say anything publicly until
16-Jun because the ordinary practice is "allow 6 to 8 weeks for
delivery," but since you bring up the subject I might as well mention

I agree Luu, this is definitely NOT the way to build a client base.

-- Patrick


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