>The OSRecovery civil suit is getting 
interesting. Suffice to say that the
core defendants are now being pursued 
vigorously, and the co-defendants,
less so. I have had a number of lengthy phone 
conferences with the plaintiffs lawyers this 
week, about this and other issues.

Again, weren't you one of the respondents (core 
or otherwise) or am I incorrect in my 

>What are the major lessons for me, and 
ultimately, all of us? Primarily, don't have an 
office in the US. (A good percentage of Fortune 
500 companies have now re-located offshore... 
what does that tell you?) If the legal system in 
the US targets innocent business people, it's, 
uhhh, time for a change & throw some more 
shrimps on the barbie, as Paul Hogan used to 
say! This is purely a safety/longevity issue.

Huh? I'm missing something here. Are you 
suggesting the main problem with dealing with a 
ponzi scam is that if you are in the US you can 
be sued there? That almost sounds like you are 
defending the crooks as victims of the legal 

>And by the same token, years of dealing with 
the massively flawed US banking transfer system 
has educated us that it's not a pleasant
experience, nor a safe one, especially not a 
reliable one. And that was BEFORE 9/11. I will 
personally assist any of our customers who have 
a US bank account, to replace it with a 
UK/European bank or similar. In any case, it's 
not that difficult, if you can show normal ID & 
have benign interests. In other words, just be a 
normal person (whatever that entails!)

Huh? What have flaws in the banking system got 
to do with anything?


Graham Kelly CEO

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