On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 08:35 AM, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:

I would like to alter your formula a little bit:
Trust = (Credibility * Security) + Reputation

I like it, very expressive.

You can have some trust based on reputation only, but in absence of reputation you
will need both credibility and security to get any trust going.
On your site I don't find any contact information whatsoever. You have set
credibility to zero in the name of greater security.
Now, I don't see how putting up a real address and phone nr would compromise the
security, ...

This is where cryptography might help a bit. Not necessarily a big formalized web of trust, but simply signed endorsements from some people who already have a high Trust factor, saying in effect "We know the people running this escrow service, and we know how it's organized. It's a real gem -- you can trust it. They only withhold their address to keep the bad guys off their tail."

Then their Credibility would instantly go above zero, and when multiplied by high Security and added to an ever-increasing Reputation, Trust would grow.

-- Patrick

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