It's very difficult Jay --- the fact is, BECAUSE e-gold rocks so much you expect to get spot for it.

But let's be more specific ...

Example, I sell you my car for "$5000 worth", you're gonna click $5000, not $4950, nor am I going to demand $5050f or a $5000 worth transaction.

{IN CONTRAST, say I was going to sell you my car and we agreed on a price of $5000. and say you were going to pay in gold bullion bars. We *would* probably expect you to give me a bit *more* than $5000 worth per the spot price at the moment - because gold bars are fucked, I'd probably have to have it assayed apart from anything else}

In fact here's the magic specific reason...

Because the whole nature of e-gold is a type of money, you tend to think of it at spot when you sell the gold. The car example says it all.

That's why it's such a tricky call!

My prediction: eventually Omnipay will go back to handing out spot for e-gold.

e-gold is spotty (another incredible JPism), like it or not. It will never not be spotty. Not getting spot for it is stupid. If I'm paying a designer $1000 in egold, its inconceivable I'd pay or he'd want $1010. Get the fuck out of here - why? e-gold ROCKS, it's spotty, its much better than phsyical bullion.

It absolutely *sucks* when you explain to new e-gold users, nowadyas, you have to say oh and when you click to get your dollars, they take away 1/2%. (sure, three people in the world understand what a market maker is, but that's the reality when you explain it to a newbie. it used to be GREAT, it used to be that if you were explaining to a newbie, yo'd just say "click to get all the dollar equivalent")

Anyway, putting aside the newbie-explanation problem, above I explain the crux of the matter.

e-gold is meant to be money, so you want to spend it to buy other crap (like USD or cars) at spot, by definition.


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