Amen, reverend.

What leaves me most puzzled is that just about everyone seems to think
that e-gold is a great thing and a blessing to all mankind if it wasn't
for the surcharge on in-exchange. The only real exemption to this way of
thinking appear to be exchangers and punters, with the prior earning money
from it and the latter thinking that their winnings will make up for the
fee manyfold.
Both are of course correct. Exchangers need the fee because they don't
trust each other enough to cooperate and agree on punitive out-exchange
fees and for punters it makes no difference because they are highly likely
to loose all of it one way or another anyway.

So run with the wolves then. If you can't beat them, at least bite them.
You should all become exchangers and open casinos!

Well, we for one, don't need to go to that extreme. We host merchants and
gaming sites and facilitate exchangers. So we are on the winning end of
both sides - but, we could make much more - on both ends - if more people
would start using the system. Which they would, if there wasn't the
On the other hand, how could we charge exchangers for our services if they
didn't have the income from their fees?

In the end, I am sure, everyone will see the light and there won't be
in-exchange surcharges anymore. Then we will all feel good about punishing
the traitors that want to out-exchange. Then new money will come into the
little economy we all share and suddenly there will be sporadic e-gold
shortages, which will lead to _natural_ increases in the price of e-gold,
rather than enforced ones. And that in turn, will have outsiders write
about the benefits of a thriving online economy where the market rules

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