Motto: "You vouch for me, I vouch for you, and we both together steal from every 
sucker that will fall for our trick."
Ragnar Dannerskjold, chief of Gold Age
Graham Kelly, chief of I don't know what company

It seems from the reply of Ragnar, that this is complete mockery for him. He is 
assured he has people (his personal butt-kissers) to back him in case of anything. I 
read now commentaries from a forum that is correct and does not have 5 or 6 clone 
e-mail addresses of Ragnar and his team subscribed.

>From 78 people who voted on the poll, only 12 considered Gold Age to be correct and 
>trustful, 43 said Gold Age steals the money when the amount is higher than $1000, 14 
>said they GA steals the money if the amount is higher to $2000, and 9 said GA always 
>steals the money (one-way funding: "we got your money, ha ha, now we don't reply to 
>any e-mail or phone call").

Anyone who did a little research on Gold Age, will be amazed by the quantity of bad 
reviews they had from independent reviewers (who 
are not Ragnar's butt-kissers like Graham is, or his GDCA associates), and how many 
bad stories you can hear at any given time. Also their record with Better Business 
Bureau consists in 3 unanswered fraud complaints.

All I can say: go on, use Gold Age, if you want the best customer service possible to 
convince you should send them your money, and then no reply from them at all.

My attorney will contact local police in New York, but I doubt the address listed on 
their webpage is real.

Thank you,

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