However, PGP is extremely vulnerable to keystroke logging.
Clipboard pasting your PGP password simply shifts the
vulnerability to clipboard logging.  And the PGP private
key would seem to be something one could grab off the
user's hard drive over the 'net.

its always vaguely annoying when non-security experts talk about computer security! (I know nothing, so I shut up!)

Note: if you have an effective keystroke logger installed on someone's computer ............ here's a newsflash ... YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING LIKE BOTHER BREAKING THEIR ENCRYPTION!!!

Saying "oh, well, everyone knows security method X is no good because it is vulnerable to leystroke loggers" is just a sort of non-comment. EVERYTHING is rendered useless if you have a keystroke logger, or -- say -- a camera in the room watching everything the person types.

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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common viruses.

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