Dear JP,

For built in PGP encryption and secure emails, go to , and register an account. I use them,
and recommend them!

Just for what it may be worth, a client of mine in France opened a MailVault account in 1999 on a visit to Costa Rica. Then "Laissez Faire City Clerk" Jack Freeman aka Chris Eyerman was later found to be reading my client's e-mails and actually replied to one of them.

I have been told in the time since that this problem has
been fully rectified.

Incidentally, be careful of these centralized-email systems,
if privacy matters.

Agreed. I think secure communications are important, and if secure commo matters to you, you should be using a Mac or Linux computer (desktop or laptop), you should be using a reliable e-mail client such as Eudora, you should be getting your e-mail on your computer, not on a web site, and you should be using PGP in its native form. Various other security protocols like firewalls and virus detectors are important to keep in mind, and decrypting and composing while offline seems prudent.

To get PGP, I suggest  for the
international customers.  A personal copy is free to download.
You can buy a copy for commercial uses at

Nevertheless, many people just won't be bothered with
really secure commo.  So, they use alternatives like
or MailVault.

By themselves, these aren't terrible choices, but they
are less than optimal for security.  Even so, in the best
of circumstances, anyone who is sending e-mail, even
encrypted e-mail, about a topic he wants nobody else to
know or wherein he communicates something that would get
him into immense trouble (treason, theft, murder, etc.),
he should not be sending any e-mail at all.  It is foolish
to suppose that whatever security measures you've taken are
good enough for that kind of stuff.

Put another way, as I think Ben Franklin first wrote,
three can keep a secret, but only if two are dead.



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