Sarah, Brava!  I agree wholeheartedly, and thanks for the tip on filtering
Angela's mail.  I will do the same.  --E.

At 04:40 PM 12/7/98 -0500, sarah clifton wrote:
>I grew tired some time ago of opening my mailbox everyday to a flood of
>religious fanatisism.  I personally set up my inbox to redirect all
>messages from [EMAIL PROTECTED] into a seperate folder so that they would
>not bog me down and anger me.  However, those of you who engage her in
>this continue to make this the content of the list rather than
>discussing real ecofeminist issues.
>I am not advocating censorship nor kicking anybody off of the list.
>However, i am tired of this and i don't want to be forced to take my
>name off of this because of this discussion.  there are real issues we
>can talk about without letting our anger get the best of us.
>May I suggest that everyone get back on track.  I feel that the best way
>to do this is to simply NOT OPEN ANY MAIL FROM ANGELA.  This way there
>will be no impetus to reply.  She obviously doesn't belong here but she
>shouldn't chase us away either.
>Call me a bitch if you will, but i have rights here, too.
>in goddess spirit, sarah
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

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