I am disturbed by this. Please clarify your reason for sending it to the
ecofem list.  --E.M.

At 11:15 PM 12/9/98 EST, you wrote:
>                                  The Posture for a Politically 
>    Correct Prayer
>  When Pastor Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas
>Senate, everyone was expecting the usual politically correct generalities.
>what they heard was a stirring prayer, passionately calling our country to
>repentance and righteousness. The response was immediate. In six short weeks
>more than 5,000 phone calls were logged, with only 47 of those calls
>responding negatively. Paul Harvey aired Pastor Joe wright's prayer on the
>radio and received a larger response to the program than nay other program
>Paul Harvey has ever aired. International requests for copies of the prayer
>from, India, Africa, Korea and other countries are still pouring in.
>    The prayer was prayed as follows:
>  "Heavenly Father, we come beofre You today to ask your forgiveness and seek
>Your direction and guidance, we know Your Word says,  'Woe on those who call
>evil good'. but that's exactly what e have done. We have lost our spiritual
>equilibrium and inverted our own values. We confess that:
>    We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it
>    We have worshipped other gods and called it multi-culturalism;
>    We have endorsed perversion at home and in public office and called it
>    alternative lifestyle;
>    We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery;
>    We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation;
>    We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;
>    We havekilled our unborn and called it choice;
>    We have hated those in favor of abortion, wieldedsigns at them in anger 
>    and called it justifiable;
>    We have neglected to dicipline our children and called it building self-
>    We have abused power and called it political savvy;
>    We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition;
>    We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it
>freedom of 
>    expression;
>    We haveridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called
>    enlightenment.
>  Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; try us and see it there be
>  wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and
>   men and women who have been sent by the people to govern us. Grant them
>   wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your
>will. I ask it 
>   in the name of Your Son, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
>    Reguardless of what faith, color, race and argurer, perhaps any of us can
>    respect for ALL. I only read, one time I gave an http:// and moved on to
>    important things for the children in this country that dont seem to have
>    adults that really care about the classroom. 
>    In the last of October, I had a brain scan. when I returned to the Drs
>office the next 
>    time he smiled a smill I have never seen from a person and said "Mary, I
>want you 
>    to know, "You have a very good brain." Now I am telling all others that
>they cant    
>    talk to me  until they have had their scan ran and it has to come to my
>level or 
>    above. I am a 71 1/2 year-young and very involved in many subjects in
>    everyday lives. I dont demonstrate, scream, accuse, be impolite to anyone
>but an
>    in the process of placing a gag order on a man that for some reason
has to
>    me at every chance he gets. I feel he is attempting to get me to react. I
>sure will      
>    but not in the way he wants, in front of others. We belong to some of the
>    groups and too many of my friends are upset over his actions. However
>    stay silent and dont respond, GOOD.  I have been behind the Iron
Curtain 3
>    all three to Yugoslavia, first time 1958-9, then 12 years ago. How
many of
>    have been to a country such as this? My values, I am sure are different
>    of what I have witnessed. NO, I Never want to see it in this country.
>Perhaps some
>    will understand that we are all RICH, even our poorest residents in this
>    Why does everything have to be a fight between us? Keep it up & we sure
>    be able to look ourselves in a mirror, there wont be one.  Goodnight
>Mary P.
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

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