>Does anybody know of any Goddesses / Feminists / Books that we could use?
If anybody has any ideas PLEASE let me know.  Thank you for your time.


my favorite goddess is Inanna, the middle eastern Queen of Heaven
5000-10,000 years ago. I don't know how iher name was originally
pronounced, but in my mind, I hear it as "in-NAH-nuh."  

Your band might find it interesting that one of the ways Inanna was
worshipped was through an act of public sex between the head priestess who
represented Inanna to the people, and a man of her choosing, each spring.
This ritual has been called the "sacred marriage" by some scholars
(inappropriately, in my opinion, but that's another treatise), and is
believed to have been practiced for millenia before the advent of
patriarchal religions. (Easter is actually an Anglo-Saxon relic of this

Some also believe that people who worshipped Inanna worshipped orgasm as a
divine gift and a way of communicating with the goddess.  (In some ancient
sacred stories about a king named Gilgamesh, the priestess has to teach one
man how to give her sexual pleasure before he can become HUMAN. He's like
this "wild man" who runs with the animals before the six-day, seven-night
ritual of humanizing sex with this priestess.)

There are some pretty sexy sacred marriage poems that have survived for
over 5000 years, translated quite artistically in a book called *Inanna*.
I believe it's translated by Noah Kramer and Diane Wolkstein, but I could
be mistaken about the authors.  You might want to check it out.  

Good luck with your band, --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

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