>Would the world be a better place with 1,000 more of you, or >Susan, or
Joe Dees on the side of change or would the world
>be worse? Not only do we need each and every one we can muster on >board,
but I believe we need ten thousand times more who are >researching,
investigating, writing, arguing, clashing, consoling, >questioning,
complaining, and speaking Ecofem. We need twenty >million times more who
are actually participating Ecofem in
>every media possible. Even then we would have far too few.

Thank you Donna for your wise words, and Susan, and Jane, and Chris, and
Joe, and all the others whose voices of reason/spirit have made an effort
to keep our list together. I second you. We need every one of us who care
about ecofeminism.  Let's give ourselves the benefit of the doubt.  

Sending all good thoughts to you, --E.

At 10:27 PM 3/15/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear Chris,
>I missed quite a bit of what has been happening on this listserve, but
from what
>little I have been able to glean from recent posts I am saddened and sorry
>there are people here who are more than willing to eliminate any one for
any reason
>who is working on relevant social issues. >
>Today on C-span, a US cable channel that often airs live political events,
>Feminist Majority was brought to light in the efforts they are making to
ease the
>suffering of women under Taliban rule, I would have wished you could have
seen it.
>I would have asked for your comments. I am not sure I understand
everything you
>write but I've seen that at the heart of Eco-renewal most definitely is a
>overdue and much needed re-understanding of scripture.
>I only know King James but it's been fascinating transcribing the
beginnings of an
>environmental biblical concordance with two professors at my university (as a
>humanist it's been a remarkable experience), watching as one-time traditional
>dominion theory Christian churches in this country are beginning to form
>to fight important social and environmental issues from a position of
'caring for
>creation.' It is this re-thinking, re-evaluation of their scripture that will
>create change among the masses in this religious arena. Perhaps this will
>change in the political and cultural arena as well over time.
>Again, I believe our common plight requires many diverse voices to reach many
>diverse people. I guarantee that what is appropriate to one will always be
>inappropriate to another, that is the nature of our current global 'in'
ability to
>communicate. It should never be considered a problem, only simple logic and
>reasoning... simple marketing pr.  However one chooses to see it, we can
not afford
>to lose even one voice.  No one here can know for certain which note will
strike a
>chord in someone to be carried out into the world beyond this list.
>I wish you much success in your travels and your teachings.
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

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