Dear Eco-fems, fyi.  --E.

>From: "Lisa K. Heller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>        by Michel Chossudovsky
>The intensity of the bombing using the most advanced military technology is
>unprecedented in modern history. It far surpasses the bombing raids of
>World War II or the Vietnam War. 
>The bombings have not only been directed against industrial plants,
>airports, electricity and telecommunications facilities, railways, bridges
>and fuel depots, they have also targeted schools, health clinics, day care
>centres, government buildings, churches, museums, monasteries and
>historical landmarks. 
>Refineries and warehouses storing liquid raw materials and chemicals have
>been hit causing environmental contamination. The latter have massively
>exposed the civilian population to the emission of poisonous gases. NATO
>air strikes on the chemical industry is intent on creating an environmental
>disaster, "which is something not even Adolf Hitler did during World War
>The NATO bombings have also used of weapons banned by international
>conventions. Amply documented by scientific reports, the cruise missiles
>utilize depleted uranium "highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a
>heavy metal and radiologically as an alpha particle emitter". Since the
>gulf War, depleted uranium (DU) has been a substitute for lead in bullets
>and missiles. According to scientists "it is most likely a major
>contributor to the Gulf War Syndrome experienced both by the veterans and
>the people of Iraq". According radiobiologist Dr. Rosalie Bertell,
>president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health: 
>"When used in war, the depleted uranium (DU) bursts into flame [and]
>releasing a deadly radioactive aerosol of uranium, unlike anything seen
>before.  It can kill everyone in a tank. This ceramic aerosol is much
>lighter than uranium dust.  It can travel in air tens of kilometres from
>the point of release, or be stirred up in dust and resuspended in air with
>wind or human movement.  It is very small and can be breathed in by anyone:
>a baby, pregnant woman, the elderly, the sick.  This radioactive ceramic
>can stay deep in the lungs for years, irradiating the tissue with powerful
>alpha particles within about a 30 micron sphere, causing emphysema and/or
>fibrosis.  The ceramic can also be swallowed and do damage to the
>gastro-intestinal tract.  In time, it penetrates the lung tissue and enters
>into the blood stream. ...It can also initiate cancer or promote cancers
>which have been initiated by other cancinogens". 
>Recent articles by Chossudovsky :
>On Kosovo:
>On the break-up of Yugoslavia:
>On the Brazilian financial crisis:
>On global poverty and the financial crisis:
>Lisa K. Heller
>Instructor of Speech & Debate
>Dept of Speech Communication
>University of Richmond
>Phone: (804) 289-8269
>fax: (804) 287-6496
>"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how
>      to surf."      Zen saying
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Visiting Faculty, Jepson Leadership Studies
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

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