Helllooo Donnna!!!!!   Good to "hear" your voice again.  I second your
emotion:  where is everyone these days?  
I have just finished a two day conference on Philanthropy where we started
off with Ralph Nader as our token radical.  Ralph exhorted us to remember
that the need for charity in a community decreases in direct proportion to
the availability of justice.  Yet we finished the two days with a panel
bragging about how many large "gifts" they had been able to bring to their
university.  Two of the four members of this panel were downright hostile
when I suggested that the curriculum of our core humanities course might
benefit from an infusion of issues from Ralph Nader's "real world" of
social justice.  Seems they felt the pure, intellectual nature of the
course might be contaminated by an assignment that asked students to serve
the community in some way.....
All I can say is, I'll try to keep fighting the good fight, and I'm glad to
know that you and others are out there, Donna!

Best, --E.
Richmond, VA

At 10:00 PM 10/26/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear Ecofem,
>It's been a while since anyone has raised here. I miss our RAVE and feel a
>need. Maybe it's because things have settled down or skidded up in most of
>our lives, going this way or that.
>I feel a need. Nothing is fixed,  or is it? ...the world is still the same.
>Not long ago, when we were raging with Joe and Jane, Angela and Chris and
>So Many Others on this serve. 
>Life goes there, to that place. Mine does. I have to wake up in the morning
>and go to this new  job that does nothing to fix the IT that was here
>before the other it:  Graduation from college. Where will we go to relieve
>the pain?
>I thank the "Rutherfords" for keeping us alive as the world rots 'round us.
>Thanks Steph for keepin us makin the rounds of silence vs. voice. Washer,
>What's up in everyone's part of the world? 
>Here on the Tongass in Alaska, I'm learning the mentality of early European
>settlers and their assumption that vast means inexhaustible. I'm learning
>that it's customary to waste, throw garbage out the window of your vehicle,
>that cigarette butts are biodegradable, that recycling is not only Not
>Necessary, but requisite to survival when local authorities charge less for
>more waste generated, and that your personal worth is comparable to the
>latest model utility vehicle you own.

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