Dear friends & colleagues,

                        Announcing " e-Journal"!

          CALL FOR PAPERS a major web-site on ecofeminism has launched an informal e-journal
  in which unestablished and established writers on ecofeminism can electronically publish their
  writing to a wider audience. has about 35 hits per day and of course is free so
 has the potential of a much wider readership than conventional paper based academic journals. was formed in 1996 and has operated since as an effective informational
 resource for people interested in ecofeminism. It is hoped that this new e-journal will add some
     'textual depth' to the web-site as a whole. Please go to for more
      information and consult the attached promo word file. Please forward this message to
                  appropriate mailing lists and online and offline communities.


kind regards,
Richard Twine
Dept. Of Sociology
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.


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