Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 11:38:59 +0100
From: "secr(MG!)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: U.S. @ COP 6 Climate talks assures: We're fucked!
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Subject: [EF!] U.S. @ COP 6 Climate talks assures: We're fucked!
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 15:51:04 -0800
From: Climate Action NOW! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The U.S. delegation will destroy the planet if we don't wake
up to the climate crisis and ACT NOW!

Two things to note here:

1) The corporations and the U.S. govt., *even under Clinton
(!)* will send the planet straight to

2) Earth Day next year for a major disruption of automobile
business as usual is perfect timing for
massive international actions for radical change. (the next
COP meeting is in May 2001).

For our survival, and the survival of the biosphere, please
commit yourself to join the effort
spearheaded by Climate Action NOW! to apply massive
grassroots political and spiritual pressure in
Detroit, next Earth Day to HALT Climate Destabilization NOW!
We have no more time to hesitate. This
is the only chance we will have to stop the inertia taking
use to omnicide for Earth. We must use our
bodies to rock the next president and the next Congress
enough to shift industrial-consumer society
away from the path to inevitable global catastrophe.

It can become too late. For more information, please check
out our web sites:

Your financial support is essential to make this happen.


Andy Caffrey
Climate Action NOW!

No deal on global warming as climate talks

THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- United Nations climate talks have
collapsed in
disarray with no deal reached to stop global warming.
"There isn't a deal. That's unfortunate," British Deputy
Prime Minister
John Prescott told reporters, saying he was leaving the
conference in The
Hague hours before a deadline to reach for a pact.
"I'm gutted," Prescott said.
Delegates said talks had foundered on disagreements between
the EU and
the United States over ways to curb emissions of greenhouse
believed to be causing climate change.

The talks have been suspended until May 2001, a source in
the 15-nation European Union said.
The conference chairman, Dutch environment minister Jan
Pronk, said: "We have not reached agreement.
I am very disappointed." Pronk said he was not closing the
conference but would resume it at a later
"We cannot go home just by stating, by confessing, that we
did not reach an agreement," he said.
"We should be aware that we have been watched by the outside
world," he told the delegates in a
closing plenary. "There were extremely high expectations of
A key issue blocking agreement was that of "sinks" --
whether to let countries count the carbon
absorbed by their forests against their greenhouse gas
U.S. officials say nations should get credit for existing
farmland and forests because they absorb
carbon dioxide and offset some emissions. Opponents say such
programs would reward certain countries
for doing nothing.
"Governments have spent two weeks essentially arguing about
how they can do as little as possible to
reduce the threat of global climate change," said Tony
Juniper, vice chairman of Friends of the
Greenpeace said the meeting "will be remembered as the
moment when governments abandoned the promise
of global cooperation to protect the planet Earth."
Delegates had been negotiating throughout the night in an
attempt to reach agreement by a deadline of
1600 GMT on Saturday.

                            Environmental lobbyists had
argued that the loopholes could be closed
Earlier on Saturday, UK Environment Minister Michael Meacher
had said the "crunch issues" had been
resolved, with the basic elements in place.
However, other negotiators warned that the talks were on the
brink of collapse because of widespread
opposition to what they see as U.S. reluctance to limit its
own power to pollute.
The U.S. and the 15-nation European Union have argued over
ways to clean up the earth's atmosphere.
Poor nations and green groups warned of environmental
catastrophe if the talks among 180 countries
failed to forge the first concrete global steps against
climate change by the deadline.

The talks were to set an agreement on guidelines on how
nations may reach targets they accepted three
years ago for reducing emissions of the greenhouse gases.
The gases are blamed for the abnormal warming of the Earth
and bizarre weather changes.
Conference chairman Jan Pronk had submitted a compromise
proposal on Thursday meant to bridge the
differences between the U.S. and the EU, but both sides
rejected it as inadequate.
The paper was also denounced by dozens of environmental
lobby groups who said it would give countries
too much leeway to wriggle out of emissions-reduction
targets they committed to in 1997 in Kyoto,
Under the Kyoto Protocol, worldwide emissions of
heat-trapping gases must decline to 5.2 percent
below their 1990 levels by 2012.

                                  Reuters contributed to
this report.

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                         ** EARTH DAY 2001 IN DETROIT** Mark
your calendar!!
               NO MORE SUVS!  No More Cars built with less
than 70mpg - RETOOL NOW!
                    First International Day of Outrage
Against Climate Destabilization
                               Evil flourishes when good
people do nothing

                                  Brought to you by Climate
Action NOW!


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                infernal-combustion motor vehicle, sign up
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                                         Climate Action NOW!
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