I regulalrly receive announcements from Schumacher Coillege 
about their programs related to ecology and environmental studies.  
Many of teh instructors have been mentioned on list over teh years, 
so I tend to forward the information in case subscribers wish to 
take up this opportunity.  The message below is one such update 
about Schumacher's courses.

Best wishes,

Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Tue, 12 Dec 2000 16:34:49 +0000
From:                   jane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Ecology and the Sacred
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Stephanie,

Schumacher College is an international centre for ecological studies based
in the heart of rural Devon, UK. The College runs short residential courses
on a range of themes including ecological economics, holistic science, and
the links between philosophy, psychology and ecology.

In March 2001, our Programme Director, also the editor of RESURGENCE
Magazine,  Satish Kumar, will be teaching alongside Stephanie Kaza and
Rosemary Radford Reuther on a three week course : ECOLOGY AND THE SACRED,
which I thought might be of particular interest to you and possibly some of
your colleagues/students.

Please find enclosed a full course description together with details of our
website and contact e-mail and postal address for further information. On
the website, you will also find some articles written by Satish.

Finally, I would be very grateful if you could forward this e-mail on to
any of your friends or colleagues who might be interested.

Many thanks,

With best wishes,

Jane MacNamee
Schumacher College

Satish Kumar, Stephanie Kaza & Rosemary Radford Ruether 

March 4-23, 2001        

Often, environmentalism becomes purely a utilitarian phenomenon.  We
approach the environment as something "out there", to be managed and used.
Increasingly, however, some environmentalists and religious believers are
articulating a shared reverence for life and all it depends upon, a process
which is having profound effects on their respective realms of activity.
How could a sense of the sacred affect our understanding of the current
environmental and social situation?  And conversely, what are the
implications of an ecological world view for traditional religious concepts
and activities?   This course explores these questions, focusing primarily
on the Eastern religions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism and on Christian
liberation theology.  It asks to what extent these Eastern traditions can
be seen as truly ecological, and discusses the significance of modern
"green Buddhist" adaptations of traditional practices.  In Christianity,
similar challenges to orthodoxy are being made, and the course considers
how theological concepts such as creation and redemption are being
challenged from a feminist and ecological perspective to create a
liberation theology.

Satish Kumar trained as a Jain monk in India, and is now Programme Director
at Schumacher College and editor of Resurgence magazine.  He is author of
No Destination and has written many articles on the links between ecology
and spirituality.  Stephanie Kaza is Associate Professor of Environmental
Studies at the University of Vermont and a long-time practitioner of Soto
Zen Buddhism.  Her books include The Attentive Heart: Conversations with
Trees and Dharma Rain: Sources of Buddhist Environmentalism (co-editor).
Rosemary Radford Ruether is a Catholic feminist theologian teaching at
Garrett Theological Seminary.  She is author of many books including Gaia
and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing and Women Healing Earth:
Third World Women on Feminism, Religion and Ecology.

Masters Level Credits Available

Course fees 
All of our three-week courses in this programme cost £1,450.  This covers
tuition, residential accommodation, food and field trips.  The Self and the
World, a two-week course, costs £1,000.  The one-week retreat costs £300.

These fees do not represent the full costs, and they are kept at this low
level by substantial financial support from The Dartington Hall Trust and
other grantors.  If you can afford to pay more for your course, your
donation will be gratefully received and used to subsidise those who have
difficulty finding the fees.

Bursaries and scholarships
On each of our courses (but not on the MSc in Holistic Science) a limited
number of bursaries and scholarships, funded by educational charities and
the College itself, are available to suitable applicants.  Please contact
us or visit our website for further details of the financial assistance
opportunities available.  Applications for financial assistance should be
made at least two months before the start of a course.  This enables us to
assess all applicants at the same time and allocate funds in the fairest
possible manner.

Most Schumacher College courses feature talks by Staff Ecologist Stephan
Harding, Coordinator of Holistic Science Brian Goodwin, and Programme
Director Satish Kumar.

Course participants
People aged from 20 to over 80 come to the College from all over the world.
Many are at a turning point in their lives and, as well as having a clear
academic interest, may be asking fundamental questions about the state of
the world and their role in it.

Participants need to be fluent in English in order to attend the courses.

Continuing professional development
Many participants use the courses as a unique opportunity to continue their
professional development in an interdisciplinary group. Practising health
workers, organisational consultants, educators, scientists, theologians and
economists are among those who have particularly benefited from attending
courses at Schumacher College. 

Learning Dynamic
In order to create the most fruitful interaction during the courses, we
usually have, in addition to the guest teachers, a facilitator and an
Academic Course Tutor. The Academic Tutor provides support to people
developing projects for masters level accreditation; the facilitator helps
the group to find ways to work with the process of learning. Whatever the
focus of study, each course aims to bring together people who wish to:
* explore issues of sustainability, diversity, equity and wholeness.
* interweave meditation, reflection, shared work, study, field trips and
community life.
* take an active part in the self-organising processes that enhance
individual and group learning.

Where stated in the course descriptions, Schumacher College offers Masters
Level Credits in partnership with The University of Plymouth. Schumacher
College also offers a one-year taught MSc in Holistic Science.

For more information
For further details of Schumacher College and its courses, please contact:
Janice Young, The Administrator, Schumacher College, The Old Postern,
Dartington, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EA, UK
Tel: 0-1803 865934; Fax: 0-1803 866899. From outside the UK, replace the
first 0 with the appropriate international dialling code.
Web: http://www.gn.apc.org/schumachercollege/
On the Schumacher College website you can find the full text of the
prospectus, current course programme, and application form. Additional
material such as student profiles, articles of related interest,
scholarship details, and book-ordering information is also available.

Schumacher College is an international centre for ecological studies that
welcomes course participants from all over the world. The College runs
short courses on ecological issues and a one-year MSc in Holistic Science.

Schumacher College, The Old Postern, Dartington, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EA, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1803 865934; Fax: +44 (0)1803 866899; Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website: http://www.gn.apc.org/schumachercollege/

If you are on our email or postal mailing list, you will be sent course
programme updates biannually, and occasional scholarship or news
announcements. We undertake not to sell or rent our mailing list to any
other organisation. If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing
list, please let us know.


------- End of forwarded message -------

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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