
Wednesday December 20 11:00 AM ET
U.S. Sets National Standard for Organic Foods 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton administration on Wednesday announced a 
comprehensive national definition for ''organic'' in all processed foods and 
products, enabling consumers to purchase fruits, vegetables and meats grown 
without pesticides or hormones.

Under the new national standard, organic foods cannot include biotechnology and 
irradiation procedures. Foods labeled as ``organic'' must consist of at least 
95 percent organically produced ingredients, the U.S. Agriculture Department 

U.S. food companies, environmentalists, farmers and some lawmakers have 
eagerly anticipated a national organic standard as shoppers seek alternatives 
to genetically modified crops and hormone-injected livestock.

The USDA said consumers will be able to recognize organic products because 
they will carry a USDA mark on them, similar to the ``USDA Prime'' 
identification for beef or the grade labels on egg cartons.

The label ``organic'' had previously fallen under a hodgepodge of state, 
regional and private certifier standards, giving rise to confusion about its 

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