Forwarded from Becky Katers, Executive Director
Clean Water Action Council of N. E. Wisconsin

January 30, 2001

For more information contact Becky Katers 920-437-7304 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: Wisconsin Activists ---

I am concerned about the River Alliance of Wisconsin.

At the Friday meeting of the Wisconsin Stewardship Network, a vote
was held on whether to add 4 issues to WSN's priority list of issues.
The issues were the northern transmission line, groundwater
supplies (Perrier, etc.), mercury legislation, and the Fox River PCB

The first three were adopted.  The Fox River wasn't.

The Fox River is one of the biggest toxic contamination cases in the
country, affecting all of Green Bay and Lake Michigan, a 4-state
area.   After 15 years of work, it's finally coming to a head in the
next 6 months, so support is critical NOW.   The DNR expects to
propose the final comprehensive cleanup plan in a few months, which
could cost between $400 million and $1.2 billion   The 6 paper
companies are fighting tooth and nail against the cleanup, and they
are likely to step up their attacks on the DNR, EPA, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and others.

Therefore, the WSN vote to not list the Fox River as priority is
disturbing.  (I am resigning from WSN as a result.)

Even more disturbing is the fact that Todd Ambs of the
RIVER ALLIANCE voted against it.  The Alliance calls itself the
premier river group in the state, and brags that it supports local
groups working on river issues, but they just stabbed us in the back
on one of the biggest river fights in the state and country.

We had 5 public hearings over the past 2 months on the Natural
Resources Damage Assessment --- which would provide $170 to $333
million in funding for wetland habitat (etc.) work in Northeast
Wisconsin as compensation for past and future PCB damages on the Fox

The River Alliance was invited to testify in support at these
hearings, but sent no one.

At the same time, the River Alliance is accepting major funding from
International Paper Company (IP) to pay for the conference on
"Celebrating Community-Based Conservation" in April.  (how ironic)
This company has 2 large polluting mills on the Fox River.
International Paper is also one of the biggest and worst bad actors
on the global paper scene, because they rabidly oppose new Totally
Chlorine Free (TCF) paper making technologies which would eliminate
all chlorinated organic (dioxin, etc.) releases from paper companies.
TCF technologies also make closed-loop wastewater recycling
processes possible, by removing the corrosive chlorine.  (Closed loop
recycling would save water, energy and chemicals, and is more
economical, once the capital investment is made to switch
technologies.)   We could have zero-wastewater paper mills, if not
for lobbying by companies like IP against TCF technology.

The North American paper industry (with IP in the lead)
has even used the World Trade Organization to intimidate the European
Economic Community into dropping requirements for TCF in Europe, by
calling it a trade barrier.  (Not sure if this has happened yet or
not, but I know they were working on it.)   European paper makers
often use TCF technologies.

The paper industry is one of the biggest polluters of rivers in
Wisconsin, with roughly 14 million pounds of toxic releases in 1996.
It's an outrage that the River Alliance is accepting funding from one
of the biggest paper corporations, at the same time that the River
Alliance is undercutting our work on the Fox River cleanup.

In addition, the River Alliance features Fox/Wolf Basin 2000 as one
of their organizational members.  Over the past 10 years, Fox/Wolf Basin 
2000 has received more than
$617,026 from Fox River dischargers, and has been a major lobbying
force against Superfund for the Fox River cleanup, and against the
Natural Resources Damage Assessment.

FWB2000 was created by Fort Howard Corporation (now Georgia
Pacific), the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, and the DNR
as a phony "environmental" group looking for "cost-effective"
solutions to the Fox River pollution problem.   Not surprisingly,
FWB2000 works to focus everyone's attention on non-point pollution,
which allows the paper mill and sewage treatment plant to blame
farmers and homeowners for the Fox River problem.  (Though farmers
and homeowners are NOT responsible for the severe PCB contamination
which got the Fox River nominated for toxic Superfund status.)
Their executive director called the PCB issue "overblown."   FWB2000
pretends to be a citizen environmental group, while serving the
interests of its corporate funders.

The River Alliance seems headed down the same path.

I'm really tired of  environmental groups who suck up all the grant
money and citizen donations, who put on a pretty show then do the
opposite of what they should be doing.

Rebecca Leighton Katers
Clean Water Action Council of N.E. Wisconsin
East Port Center
1270 Main Street, Suite 120
Green Bay, WI 54302
Phone:  920-437-7304
Fax:  920-437-7326

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