Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:56:53 +0100
From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: [MLNews!*] Experts Concerned About Soy and Breast Cancer (Washington
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 21:40:53 EST

Experts Concerned About Soy and Breast Cancer

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows food labels to
display a health claim stating that soy products can lower blood
cholesterol, the amount of soy foods necessary to achieve this benefit 
-- as many as four servings a day -- comes awfully close to the level
that some researchers say might increase the risk for developing breast

That's right: Some scientists are concerned that too much soy could
promote the growth of malignant tumors rather than protect against

"Most of the women who are taking large amounts of soy, my impression is
that they're doing it to avoid breast cancer," says Regina Ziegler, an
epidemiologist with the National Cancer Institute (NCI). "But there's a
dearth of information about different levels of soy on the risk for
breast cancer. I don't want to scare people away from it, but as a
scientist I can't say what levels are safe or unsafe."

Mark Messina, a soy industry promoter, agrees. "It's basically an
unresolved issue," says Messina, a soy expert who serves as an adjunct 
associate professor of nutrition at Loma Linda University in California.
It is clear, he comments, that soy contains estrogen-like compounds, so
if you have the type of breast cancer that depends on estrogen to
develop and progress, "you have to think about whether you want to run
out and start eating three servings of soy a day."

Adds Barry Goldin, who has researched soy at Tufts University Medical
School in Boston, "Whenever you mention estrogen, you're talking about
concern. Estrogen is a double-edged sword."

Estrogen in Plants and Elsewhere
The plant estrogens, or phytoestrogens, in soy are known as isoflavones.
In the 1980s, investigators found that feeding soy to rats reduced their
incidence of mammary tumors. More important, when the scientists removed
the isoflavones from soy and again fed it to rats, the soy no longer
suppressed tumor growth, further suggesting anti-cancer properties.

The mechanism by which isoflavones are thought to block tumor production
works as follows. Breast cells contain estrogen receptors, which enable
them to "recognize" estrogen and take it up into breast tissue. But some
common types of breast cancer essentially feed off estrogen, so the goal
is to keep estrogen out.

That's where isoflavones of the sort found in soy products come in.
These weak plant estrogens are close enough in structure to human
estrogen that breast receptors mistake them as such and allow them in, 
which in effect blocks the entry of harmful human estrogen.

Epidemiologic evidence supports the theory. Women throughout Asia, who
for centuries have eaten much more tofu and other soy products than
Americans, are much less likely to develop breast cancer than American

Word about the cancer-fighting value of soy estrogens has certainly
gotten out, no doubt contributing to the hundreds of millions of dollars
in sales of soy products annually. Women are buying not just tofu but
also soy milk, soy-laced energy bars, soy cheese, soy ice cream and
soy-based meat analogues meant to resemble turkey, chicken, hamburger
and bologna. Then there are the soy-based powders to mix into smoothies
and such, as well as soy supplements -- little pills with high
concentrations of isoflavones.

But there's a soy snafu, with emerging science presenting a less certain
picture of soy's benefits. In one study, women who were given soy
supplements experienced increased proliferation of breast cells, at
least initially. That's a potential problem because the more breast
cells proliferate, the greater the chance of a mutation that could give
rise to cancerous cells that would quickly grow into a tumor.

In animal research, human breast cancers transplanted to mice were
helped along when the mice were fed various dosages of soy isoflavones.
In other words, soy appeared to work in concert with human estrogen
rather than against it.

The scientists major concern is about isoflavone intake. I think healthy
people should not consume more than 100 milligrams of isoflavones per
day," says Loma Linda's Messina. There's no historical precedent for
consuming more," he says out. "One hundred milligrams is like three
servings a day, and maybe 5 to 10 percent of the Japanese population
consumes that much." Most have one serving of soy food daily.

"I can't point to data showing that 100 milligrams is dangerous,"
Messina stresses. It's not like if you take 100 milligrams of
isoflavones and then you take 101, you're risking your life. But the 100
milligram-limit is consistent with a healthy, plant-based diet."

Goldin has arrived independently at same recommendation. "If a person
wanted tofu mixed into her stir-fried vegetables once or twice a day, I
would not see any problems with it at all." Goldin is also comfortable
with a woman at high risk for breast cancer having three to four ounces
of tofu two to three times a week.

"But I would not take 100 milligrams of isoflavones a day," he says,
meaning he would not eat more than a couple of servings of
soy-containing foods daily -- and would be very careful about choosing a
soy powder or supplement, some of which contain quite high levels of

Ziegler, like the others, supports modest servings of soy-based foods
but also throws up a red flag for powders and pills. "I'm not concerned
about soy intake comparable to what we see in Asian communities," she
says. "Even if a woman already has breast cancer, I don't think she
needs to worry about going into a Chinese restaurant and having a tofu
dish." Indeed, women in Asia with breast cancer, who don't stop eating
soy foods once they are diagnosed, have better prognoses than American
women with the disease.

"On the other hand," says Ziegler, "given the supplements, we're going
beyond what one would see in a typical Asian diet. We don't know how
that plays into a woman's health. I don't think we can say that
pharmacologic levels of soy are useful in avoiding breast cancer."

Margo Woods, a breast cancer researcher in the Department of Family
Medicine and Community Health at Tufts University Medical School, says
she is particularly concerned about high levels of isoflavones for women
taking tamoxifen. The drug tamoxifen, like the isoflavones in soy, is an
estrogen-like compound that keeps human estrogen out of breast tissue.

And some women who have breast cancer or are at very high risk are given
the drug to slow down cancer progression or development.

But the isoflavones in soy could compete with tamoxifen for uptake by
breast tissue, Woods says. "Once a woman is on tamoxifen, my position is
that it's not wise to interfere," she says. That is, concentrated
isoflavones in certain soy products may have the potential to reduce the
drug's effect.

For others, Woods doesn't endorse an upper limit of 100 milligrams of
isoflavones a day. "I feel most comfortable with a range of 35 to 55
milligrams," she notes. That's about two to three ounces of tofu a

"People shouldn't be thinking of soy as a medicine," she says. Including
it as "part of a fruits, vegetables and whole grains package is a wise
thing to do. The population that has been eating that way for years is
at lower risk".

But soy is not a miracle treatment

People think a food is going to be like penicillin. It's not.

Ziegler sees it the same way. "We should get away from soy as a cancer
preventer," she says. "Maintaining an ideal weight, that will definitely
reduce the risk. And it can be achieved by a diet that's high in fruits,
vegetables, grains and legumes. Soy is one type of legume, but it's not
the answer.

The Washington Post Tuesday, January 30, 2001; Page HE08,9

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