Apologies for cross-postings

Hello, all,

On behalf of numerous community-based organizations, municipal offices and state agencies with which I am collaborating, I write to announce an upcoming service-learning institute to be held at Tufts University this summer.  A flyer for the 3rd River Institute is attached; brief information is included as text below.

We would appreciate your posting the flyer and/or forwarding this message as appropriate.  We are now accepting applications from upper level undergrads and Masters’ candidates.  Forms are available on the web site (under construction, to be completed soon).

For peace and justice,

Dale Bryan
Assistant Director             Experiential Learning Coordinator
Peace and Justice Studies     Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

109 Eaton Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155
phone: 617-627-2261            fax: 617-627-3032
email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://ase.tufts.edu/pjs

The New Century Environmental Leadership Institute: An Experiential Inquiry into Watershed Restoration.  Informally known as The River Institute, this combined seminar/internship project represents a project of the Mystic Watershed Collaborative (MWC), a partnership of Tufts University and the Mystic River Watershed Association.

The seminar will explore both the limits and the potential of strategic action in the environmental movement, as well as the prevailing social science theories about social movements more generally. Twice a week, students attend a seminar to discuss the role of strategy in social movements with particular attention to biophysical watershed restoration strategies growing out of environmental management. Simultaneously, each student completes an internship with a MWC member organization in the Boston metropolitan area.

Internship placements provide students opportunities to observe and participate in strategic decision-making and implementation of watershed restoration tactics. The institute is designed to facilitate systematic analysis and testing of both social movement and restoration practices in concrete settings.

Financial stipends are provided to each intern; additional financial support may become available. Enrollment is limited and competitive. For an application contact Dale Bryan, River Inst. Co-Director, CIS, 109 Eaton Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED], or see http://www.tufts.edu/tie/river_institute. Applications are due by April 1, 2002; send directly to Dale Bryan.

Attachment: River Institute '02 flyer21.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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