I have read some papers on this subject that seemed to be rather "lame" fronts for business-as-usual. Has the Society of Tropical Foresters ferreted out papers of this nature and exposed the authors? I'd like a few examples, and comments from others on just how bad this problem is.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Max Lambert" <max.lamb...@yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 4:55 PM
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Food & Forests: Cultivating Resilient Landscapes -- Jan 24-26 - Register Now

On *January 24**th to January 26th*, 2013, the *Yale* *Chapter* of
the *International
Society of Tropical Foresters* will host a conference titled *Food and
Forests: Cultivating Resilient Landscapes*, which will assess the
complexities of building equitable and resilient food systems while
enabling tropical forest conservation. The conference will commence with a
keynote speech delivered by Frances Seymour, the former Director General of
CIFOR and will feature a workshop on facilitating multi-stakeholder
dialogues led by Gary Dunning of The Forest Dialogue. For more information
and to register please visit: http://www.yale.edu/istf/and
http://forestsandfood.eventbrite.com/. *Please register by January 15**th*.

Max Lambert
MESc Student
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
Fellow, Hixon Center for Urban Ecology 2012-2013

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