Ecolog is such a valuable resource, but I suspect that it has the potential of 
being greatly more so if a few of my wishes came to pass. I do not mean in how 
the listserv is managed, but in how it is used. 

I wish that subscribers would address all of there responses to Ecolog rather 
than to the individual who originated the post in matters of common interest. I 
see nothing wrong, however, with off-list communications that are entirely 
personal in nature. 

Another wish is that when someone posts a request for technical assistance that 
they take a minute to describe what they are trying to accomplish. Context is 
often important to a decent answer, and leaving such information out, and 
knowing a bit about the project which gave rise to the enquiry, compromises the 
quality of the potential responses. (That may be why so few respond, and why 
responses may be just as obtuse as the question, except, perhaps, in all but 
the most abstract of questions.) But just knowing what's going on with the 
poster's research is informative and helps knit the community together. 

What are the group's feelings on these issues? 


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