The Silviculture and Ecology Lab (Website:; Facebook: is seeking applicants
for a Ph.D. Research Assistantship position in fire ecology and tree
mortality modeling. The position is located in the Department of Forestry
and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University in Clemson, SC. Clemson
is a land-grant university situated in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina,
USA. In addition to the 1,400-acre campus the school has access to 18,000
acres on the University Forests and Farms near Clemson and 16,000 acres of
land on the coast on Hobcaw Barony, both devoted to teaching, research, and
outreach. Clemson University is recognized as a top 20 public university by
U.S. News and World Report. 

A collaborative research project will be initiated to improve our
understanding of tree mortality in response to fire in eastern hardwood
forests. The project brings together 12 scientists from the USDA Forest
Service, Clemson University, the University of Missouri, and the University
of Kentucky and will utilize datasets from studies conducted in six states
(AL, KY, MO, NC, OH, and WV). This project will compile one of the largest
comprehensive datasets to explore tree mortality in response to fire, using
data associated with both experimental and operational burning. More
importantly, the project will critically examine the role of bark allometry
in fire adaptation for hardwood species. Bark thickness will be collected
across size classes for common species throughout the eastern US to
understand differences in bark growth pattern among species and their
implication to forest composition under the historical, surface fire regime.
These data will be used to test the hypothesis that historical forest
distribution in eastern US can be largely explained by the frequency of
surface fire. Additionally, bark thickness and tree mortality models
resulting from this project will be implemented into the First Order Fire
Effects Model (FOFEM) for application in eastern hardwood forests.

The main duties of this position will include compiling, organizing, and
analyzing data from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, data
from several experimental studies using prescribed burning in eastern
hardwood forests, and data on bark thickness and tree growth collected in
the field and from literature during this project. Expected deliverables
include at least three peer-reviewed publications and an acceptable
dissertation, as well as the successful completion of the requirements of
the degree. We expect the dissertation research will make a significant
contribution in understanding forest species composition under surface fire
regimes in eastern hardwood forests, in addition to help improve FOFEM – an
important decision support tool for forest resource managers. 

QUALIFICATIONS: We are seeking an outstanding candidate with BS and/or MS in
Forestry, Ecology, Botany, Biology, Environmental Sciences, and other
closely related field. A past record of referred publication, field research
experience, and strong quantitative skill are desirable. 

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The student will be offered a full assistantship
($20,000/year) plus a tuition waiver. The assistantship is for three years,
which is renewable annually based on satisfactory performance. Competitive
university/college/department scholarships are available for outstanding
candidates, and students working in our lab have had a great track record to
obtain these scholarships. Supplementary teaching assistantship may also be

APPLICATION DEADLINE: The position remains open until filled. However, we
are targeting a starting date in August 2016 or January 2017.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please email a single PDF file (lastname_fire
mortality.pdf) including (1) a letter of interest with applicant’s contact
information; (2) names, titles, and contact information for 3 references;
(3) GRE and TOFEL (if applicable) scores; (4) an unofficial transcripts for
previous BS and MS degrees; and (5) a Curriculum Vitae to:

Dr. Geoff Wang 
Clemson University
Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
226 Lehotsky Hall
Clemson, SC 29634-0310
Faculty Profile:
Google Scholar Citation:
Research Gate:

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