An Ancient Beast Rises in a New York City Park by Island (98.03.08)

. . . DREAMED I'm at a huge gated field in the afternoon while everyone inside
is involved in some sports activity. The people are gay and carefree, and  I
notice the elderly more than any other age group. I'm peering through the
gates, and HUSBAND calls from a distance to hold the gate open for him as
others come in. They come in through some sort of main rotunda outside the
gates, going beneath, as in an underground and surfacing to come through the
locked gates into the field. I've already been invited to play with them, or
it suggested what a wonderful time it would be. So I hold the gates open as
the crowds come through, but HUSBAND never shows. I am very upset that he has
me stand in a position for him for so long and he never even arrives! So I
head back to the apartment, thinking he'll be there. I'm walking down a street
I later say is near 28th, and as I walk the sidewalk -- I am aware of trees
and buildings in the surrounding area, and I notice long running rows of
liquid feces which I step into with my shoe and wipe off. I think it's horses
in the area. Others are commenting to themselves to be careful and not step
into it. Suddenly before me is this ancient beast, about the size of a hog,
greenish brown short hair coat of fur, like a hugs, cloven hooves, but longer
than a hog -- more like a fat dashund -- with a hideous intelligent animal
face and tusks growing out. Terrifying. I believe it to be Satan's host. I
scramble inside a small park with iron gates, but this animal begins to make
itself smaller so it can squeeze through. A bus comes along, and I beg to hop
aboard. I tell them why, that I am without money, but I will mail the
busdriver the fare. He tells me to forget it and is very kind. Another bus as
well -- for some sort of organized function -- does the same, and I think to
myself how fortunate I am that two buses in a row allowed me to board and
escape without problems -- very unusual in New York City. Then I'm with a
group of young people and we're talking about the beast. I see two items in a
young woman's suitcase that are like two I own -- the silk robe STEP-SON gave
to me, and some scarf. When I commented, reached into her bag to show her,
only one was there. They were aware of the beast, and cops were gathering
details. I was in the process of describing the beast as greenish brown when I

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