I remember a dream from when I was quite young that was very vivid and
had a strong impact on me. I dreamt that I was having sex with a
strange-looking old hag who had an enormous vagina. I was seated on her
lap. Our intercourse was immensely pleasurable to me.

I was so young that at one level, I didn't even understand what it was
that I had dreamt, while on another level I not only understood what was
happening but was having a grand time. This was not a wet dream because
it was a pre-pubertal dream.

The logic breaks down in the impossibility of my having sex with her
while seated on her lap, but that had probably been my strongest image of
consorting with women to that point in my life. And since I was probably
in my mother's lap more than anyone else's, the dream also may have been
somewhat Oedipal, though, I hasten to add, the woman in the dream looked
and acted nothing like my mother or grandmother or anyone I had ever met.

But who needs logic in a dream?

Mark Miller

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