Dream Title              Blue Moon

Date of Dream            07/11/98
Dream                    Okay, here goes...

This dream took place April of 96 while I was in Chicago taking care of a
sick friend. I was suffering from a bad tooth at the time and was treating
it with a bee propolis herbal complex.

It was about 2am and I was restless in my sleep, woke up long enough to
dose myself then drift back off. Before I could slip back into oblivion I
was taken by this dream/illusion...

I am definitely looking through the eyes of someone else... this I know for
a fact. I know this as I know myself. This was the very first sensation I
got as I began this dream/illusion. Whoever this person was was allowing me
to view through his/her eyes.

It was night, there was a full moon (I know... it sounds like a cliche
opening) and I was standing in a small grove. I was watching the moon rise
above the trees which was to my right. As I turned to the left viewing the
surrounding area my eyes rested upon a hugh earth mound. As I looked down
toward my feet, I saw that my hand was resting upon a outcrop of smooth
stone about waist high.

The night was filled with an eerie blue light that was not a part of the

As I looked at the hand, I saw a ring with a blue stone in it. It was my
right hand. The ring looked familiar, similar to the lapis lazuli my sick
friend had given me on my birthday several years back. She knew nothing of
the stone, just thought it was me and had it mounted.

As I looked at the ring, the entire hand and ring began to glow with the
same eerie blue light. At that moment my eye was caught by a movement at
the mound.
A door was sliding open from right to left and inside I saw two stone
tablets with writing similar to hieroglyphics but somehow different. As my
curiosity became immersed with the tablets, the door continued to open and
next to the tablets was an Egyptian statuette kneeling, sitting back on its
heels with its hands resting on the its lap. Suddenly, from the corner of
my eye, my attention was caught by the statuette.

As my head began t
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