Dream Title              water and Children

Date of Dream            08/07/98
Dream                    I had several dream fragments last night.
The first was of my daughter in a bath that had been left running, and her
head was under water.  I pulled her up so she could sit up and enjoy the bath.
Then I was with my husband near the ocean.  We discussed going on a boat,
but decided to wait until another time.  As we talked, we were walking
along a path on hills covered with dark green grass above the sea.
I slipped from the path, into the dark, deep water.
Although it was near the supposed shore, it was very deep and I could feel
the undertow pulling at me.
My husband was about to go and get help, when I thought hard about it, took
a deep determined breath, and really pushed my arms and legs.  It was
enough effort to get me to shore off my own volition.
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Permission Comments      I am on the ed-core list, but will be happy to be
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