Dream: 'The Digital Gift', by dreambat   aug 21, 1998

 I'm at a lecture, it may even be a sermon, but feels more casual than a
church. There do seem to be pews. A few seats/rows  ahead of me is an
ex-friend I haven't spoken with in years after he backed out of a project,
telling me he no longer liked my attitude.  He stands up and our eyes meet.
I say "Hello, Fred." He stiffly says hello as he gets something out of his
pocket, a floppy disk. Its an old large floppy, not quite as large as the 5
1/4 but almost and soft.  I take the floppy and say thanks, he stiffy sits
down next to a woman who is with him, acting like this greeting and
exchange was really hard for him to do.   I feel, in the dream, that he is
stiff because he is trying to practice one of his self-consciousness
techniques and be conscious of what he is doing. I think to myself, again
in the dream,  it would be more personable if he would allow his attention
to be on something other than himself for just a moment. I turn to a friend
sitting next to me that Fred and I have in common. I tell John "This is one
of the problems with people who focus too much on Unity Consciousness, they
lose the ability to hold and act out of places where unity has collapsed
and there is tension."
  I think to myself, in the dream, how cheap it was of him to give me old
floppy disks and that they probably have programs on them that are too old
to even use. 

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