continuing the notion that dreams are phenomena related to the aromatic amino
acid penalalanine is to further connect to the notion that we sense dreams
the olfactory sense heightened during sleep because all the other senses are
deprived to some extent. then dreams are sensed as odors and translated by the
other senses as these other senses take on the nose temporarily as their new
home like amputated limbs' soul energy takes on other parts of the body when
the flesh has gone creating the phantom body effect..
dogs with their superior sense of smell are also astounding in their so called
psychicness most recently attested to in the oj case.
taking some of the mystery out of precognitive dreaming would be the fact that
we pass through an atmosphere whirling on the earth sniffing through odors
which have the traces of the rest of the world east and west of us  and as the
winds have blown north and south  in the air to come.
 there's something rotten in the state of denmark. i smell a rat. that left a
bad taste in my mouth (what the nose smells is also passed onto the taste
buds).i can almost taste it, ar quotes relevant at this point.
considering then that dreams are odiferous but that the information is
channeled to the deprived senses during sleep i ask the question, how many of
you dreamers remember the sense of smell in your dreams?  it is no longer
remarkable to me how i cannot remember one.
your nose knows what danger lurks in the air and a little aromatherapy can be
found encoded at 
all the dream and psychic experiments to date need to be reexamined with the
above considerations for the experiments were not conducted in vacuum.

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