Dream Title              "Transference" by kidoobird
Date of Dream            25 sept 98  5am
Dream                            At the old house of a family friend,
getting ready to go to work, I walk out of the house and halfway down the
block when I realize I have forgotten something. Walking back, I cannot
find the house. This being a neighborhood I know well, I do not understand
how I could be so confused. I retrace my steps and still cannot find the

        I start to get very panicky when I look around and realize that I am not
even on the same street and none of the houses are the same. I stop, close
my eyes and try to visualize where I should be but when I open them,
nothing has changed. I start to really panic now and I feel kind of woozy
and disoriented. I begin talking to myself to stay focused, but to no
avail. I am afraid to ask for help in that someone would think I was
insane. I am terrified because I have no idea where I am. 

        Next thing I know I am inside of this large loft apartment in New York (I
live in California and have never been to the East Coast) with a woman who
is about 40 or so.

She is talking to me and getting ready to go to work. I am silent, because
she doesn’t seem to realize what is happening. She thinks I am her live-in
female lover. She says something about me resting and getting well then
bids me goodbye.

        I see myself in the mirror and I am definitely not me. Still in a panic, I
run to the phone and call my godmother in San Francisco for help. She is
not there so I leave a frantic message on her machine; at the same time, I
am taking a pee. When I finish, I hang up the phone, immediately waking up.

Comments by Dreamer      The feeling about this dream is that I had no
control whatsoever. Usually I do similar things in my dreams, but it is
always my choice. This felt like I was being forced to inhabit another
living person’s  body/space.  It was also very present tense. It was very
unsettling and I had a time getting back to sleep

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