Dream Title              Crazy Night-taylor
Date of Dream            Nov.1997?
Dream                         I was out for the night with some friends,
and I remember four of us leaving to go to another location.  We rode on
some kind of moter-cycle that was hinged in the middle, and the four of us
rode togather.  I feel that I knew two of the people I was with, but the
forth who was on the far back I didn't know.  I was very irritated with
him, he kept moving around alot and the driver had to strugle to keep
balance.  The driver eventually lost balance just before we arrived at a
very small town with tall pine trees growing next to it.  As we drifted
from the road, I was thrown from the cycle, and began to float through the
tops of the pines trees, I remember not feeling any pain from the sharp
needles as I passed through them.  I almost felt myself land, and just as I
would have, I saw a very bright light that blinded me, and I held up my
arms to hide from it.  I felt as though I died.
     The next thing I remember is laying at the bottom of a swimming pool,
and someone I feel I know is sitting at the other end on the edge.  As I
lift my head up through the water, the pool transforms into my bed, and the
person disappears.  By the time I am sitting up in bed, I am fully awake,
and everything from the dream is gone except my vivid memory of it.

Comments by Dreamer      I felt everything in the dream and thought that I
was really experiencing it while it was happening, I didn't feel any pain
at all.
Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
Permission Comments      I've talked with only a few people about this
dream, and they all have said that they have never heard of anything like
this dream, I've refused to ride on a motor cycle ever since.

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