Dear Dreamers,

          here are more dreams which don't need a genius to interpret the
meaning. As stated in "My Father's Funeral"... everybody knows that the
Defuncts come and say hello once in a while...

>After my father died all my family said that they
>felt my father would come to me in a dream to let us know that he was okay.

       ... and take a serious look at the following... again most
instructive dreams and theories.


 "But you're dead!"

Posted by Foxy as Shakiya on July 14, 1998 at 03:55:26:


I'd like to share with you a dream of a series I had about a dear friend 
of mine who died in a horrible car crash in December of 1994.

I was visiting the town I grew up in. I went, as I always did, to a 
friend's house to visit. There were lots of people there, some of which 
I knew others who I didn't. The mood was happy and everybody had a good 
time visting with each other. I walked around a bit to take it all in. 
Suddenly Michael (my friend) came out of nowhere, and greeted me with a 
smile. I was so happy to see him, and was opening my mouth to say 
something, until a realization hit me. All I could manage to say, was...
 "But you're dead!". He smiled at me and shook his head, he then said in 
a calm and soothing voice: "No, I'm not really dead. I'm very much alive." 
I was astonished. After getting over the initial shock, we talked for a 
long time. The other people in the dream, who observed us talking together, 
acted like there was nothing out of place, as if I was the only one who 
KNEW that Michael had ever died that horrible night.

To me the dream always meant nothing more than wishful thinking. I missed 
him a lot, and wished that he didn't have to die so early in his life 
(he was a year older than me). But as I learn more, it seems that maybe 
there's another message hidden in it...

Foxy as Shakiya 


    Goodday! Foxy,

              the following dream which is a follow-up to yours is perhaps 
the last one in which I had the same reaction as you. It happened a few days 
after my paternal side uncle Clarence died and went like this...

      There was this big ugly fish on the lawn of the property where I was 
born and although it was not dead, but it had begun to smell bad... and I 
was charged of taking it back to the river or something... so, I went the 
farm of my dead  uncle to see if I could borrow a wagon to carry that big 

      So, once there, I knocked at the front door, and I immediately 
recognised his big bear like hairy forearm through the door's window and he 
opened smiling and looked radiant and in excellent heath, although he been 
found dead on the floor of his kitchen in the same house, possibly a week 
before... and aware of this, my first words were...

  "Hey! Clarence, everybody think you're dead!"... and his reply was...

"Don't worry about that and come with me, I'd like to show you something."

 So, I followed him to the basement of his house and he was happy to show 
me that he was having the best time in the world playing with the two best 
dogs that he ever had which were named Togo and Ringo, who had died years 
before... and I guess that they were the two best friends that he ever had.

 So, when this type of dream occured to me for the first time, my reaction 
was exactly like yours and the words which came out of my mouth... the very 
exact same.



  Here is another one of mine...


(Nov.96) I had a dream in which I met Nancy Gilmore a departed girl-friend 
who died about the same time as John Lennon. We were in what appeared to be 
an underground university student lounge in the late evening. I saw her 
coming down the stairs, looking beautiful and wearing this red maternity 
blouse and black stretchy pants. 

 When she was next to me, I put my hand on her pregnant belly and was 
surprised because Nancy did not have any children in her mortal life.
Anyways, she presented me to a couple of anglophone persons who at the end 
giving me 250,000$ but the bank notes were pink like the canadian 1000$ 
bills, but 
instead of bird's they had "Wolves" on them... and it was the girl friend 
of this good, tall and smart guy who had this money right in her purse. 
They wanted me to make a movie out of it.


 Anyways, also another category of Dreams of the Departed are the more 
famous Defunct Celebrities which we also meet at occasions...

 For example, here is one from Nutcracker who has too many... :)

I met Gianni Versace as he was out for a walk.  He was wearing white 
pants and a white shirt.  The terrain consisted of miles of gently rolling 
hills made up of sidewalks and green grass.  He took my hand in his and 
smiled, but never spoke a word to me.  
(8/3/97)  #472  Celebs (Gianni Versace)


 The following one is about myself with crazy John Candy which I sent
Linda M. at Casey Flyer...

   John Candy (Oct.97) 

             During the night of the 22nd to 23rd... I had this dream in 
which I was the captain of a 50 feet long black and white inshore steel 
hull tramp.... doing some barter on both shores of a large river.... and 
the funny thing is that I had a financial partner who was the deceased 
comedian actor John Candy, but in this dream his name was 
Omer Philippe Ouellet... as I saw him sign some paperform.

              It was funny, because he seriously told me that we would 
do "la Relanche des Oranches"...which is an improper way to pronounce 
both names... some funny play of words.... mind you that he was a 
comedian... and showing me some large wooden crates of oranges. 


 Here is a funny one about Elvis...

 Elvis Presley is teaching me how to drive! 

Posted by Jennifer ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... 
at Tiger's Nest on June 28, 1997 at 23:06:29:

I'm in San Francisco, in my mom's white Mitsubishi 
Montero and Elvis is going to teach me how to drive. I park on a 
hill (uphill) so we can get out and switch to his small, green convertible. 
To me, the most important thing is getting his autograph, but he won't give 
it to me because we're friends and he thinks that would be stupid. When we 
get out, his girlfriend is there and I'm jealous of her. She wants his 
autograph too, but he won't give it to her either. Before we all get into 
his convertible, he takes off his shirt (green, I might add) and throws 
it in the back seat of my mom's car and I think I've got something better 
than an autograph and I hope that his girlfriend doesn't notice and try 
to take it away.

That's all I remember! 


 Lucky You, Jennifer, if you were able to get a free piece of tail. :)

 We don't catch AIDS in dreams. :)

 And now this dream of Victoria which I interpreted many months ago, but
no one dared to comment. ;)

 Dream of Michael Hutchence of INXS

Victoria Quinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "She'll be apples" dream
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 

"During the late afternoon, I was walking with my family around our orchard
full of apple trees laden with ripe fruit.
We were staying in the country, at my father's "estate". The saxophone
player from INXS was with us for the evening meal.
He seemed a sad man who didn't know his own value.
We were all avoiding the issue of Michael Hutchence, whose ghost I could
see behind him."

  ... and talking about that... perhaps some of you would like to hear 
Michael K. Hutchence, the lead singer of the world reknowned group, who 
wasted himself on November 27th 1997...

 "Hey! Michael, you, Most Inspired Australian, how about a few jingles 
like "Don't Lose Your Head"... "I'm Just A Man"..."Searching"...
"Everything" and "Show Me"... "Girl of Fire" and "Shake The Tree" 
from your last and rather prophetic album "Elegantly Wasted"??!!


 Yah! What a glorious way to Elegantly Waste Yourself?

 Now, check the following where a Ghost of a Dead beats the shit out
of the Ghost of a Living. :)

 Bruce Lee fighting with Chuck Norris!!

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: My Dream of Chuck Norris 
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 18:39:47 -0700 

Dream Title My Dream of Chuck Norris 
Date of Dream 7-4-98 

One night I had two dreams of Chuck Norris. In the 
first dream we were chasing each other around with a hose. We were
under a large tree going around. It was a very happy time and the sun 
was shining and the birds were signing. Chuck had one a blue shirt. 
I don't remeber anything eles of this dream. I dream of Chuck often 
and I am a big admirer of him. 
In my second dream that night, Chuck was in a fight with Bruce Lee.
Bruce knocked Chuck to the floor and took a bag of rice out of my fridge 
and chocked Chuck to death. As Chuck was dying I held his hand telling him
not to die and to use my strenht to get though it. He looked at me and then
I would like to know what these dreams mean. They are the two I most
think of and wounder what they may mean. I thank you for your time. 
Comments by Dreamer 
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments 
Permission Comments 

--------------- MESSAGE ed-core.v001.n095.3 --------------- 

 The following has to be a real landmark and again my interpretation
did not raise any comment... as if people cannot understand any english?

 I'll try again in Japanese tomorrow... :) 



I was sitting in my dining room with a few band members from Mr. Sinatra's
band.  We were just hanging out and chatting, when we heard Frank singing
"The Lady is a Tramp" as he walked into the room.  He was wearing a royal
blue shirt made from a shiny material, tight fitting around his body, black
tailored pants.  The shirt was unbuttoned halfway down, and he really
looked relaxed.  He appeared to be in his mid 40's, and he looked so
healthy.  His eyes against his shirt were bright and lucid.  As he sang, he
telepathically began to speak to us, saying that he was so appreciative of
all of the accolades since his death, and he stayed down a little longer to
watch.  By the time he stood in front of me, the song was over and he
looked and (also telepathically) said to me, I guess it's about time to
leave.  He picked up his coat and put it on, smiling.  I was mentally told
him how much I'd miss him, and as he was about to (verbally) reply to me,
the alarm rang and I woke up.   I can't help but wonder what he was about
to say.
--------------- END ed-core.v001.n073 ---------------

 Boy! What a good dream. Hey! Rose where can I kiss you. ;)


 Now some enlightened theories considered silly by uninspired Jungians.

 Theory in Job 33, about ghostly restauration to youth stage...

Job 33 discusses this dream phenomenon of the Afterlife, known as the
Resurrection of the Deads...

 "His flesh wastes away to nothing, and his bones, once hidden now stick out.
His soul draws near to the grave and his life to the Messengers of Death." 
(33, 21-22)

 "Yet if there is an angel on his side as an "Interpreter"(of dreams), one 
out of a thousand, to tell a man what is right for him, to be gracious to him 
and say,

    "Spare him, from going down to the grave; I have found a ransom for him."

...then his flesh his renewed like a child's; it is RESTORED AS IN THE DAYS

 "He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face with joy;
he is restored by God to his righteous state."

 "Then he comes to men and says,...

 "He redeemed my soul from going down in the grave, and I will live to
enjoy the light." 

 "God does all these things to a man...once, twice, thrice..., to turn
his soul from the grave, that the light of life may shine on him."

 "Pay attention, Job, and listen to me; be silent and I will speak. If you 
have anything to say, answer me; speak up, for I want you to be cleared.
But if not, then listen to me; be silent and I will teach you wisdom."


1 Corinthians 15

Imperishable Celestial Resurrection Bodies again in...
 1 Corinthians 15,35 to 15,55...

     "But someone may ask, " How are the Dead raised? 
With what kind of body will they come?"
    "How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies."
    "So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown
is perishable, it is raised imperishable... it is sown a natural body, it 
is raised a spiritual body."
    "So, it is written: "The first man Adam, was a living being, and the last
Adam, a life-giving Spirit." The spiritual did not come first, but the natural
did, and after that the spiritual. The first man was from the dust of the
earth, the second man from Heaven."
    "I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the
Kingdom of God...."
    "Listen, I tell you a Mystery: We will not all sleep, (...some will
awake...) but we will all be changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trumpet."
    "For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we
will be changed."
    "When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the
mortal with immortality, then the saying that was written will come true :

    "Death has been swallowed up in Victory!"


 And dreams reveal that Ghostly Resurrection Bodies last forever as in the 
following one, courtesy of Dreamthread...

 Dream of the Week of 11 January, 1998

The Ramadan Dream 

During the holy month of Ramadan, I was awake and praying during a very 
holy night behind the Imam and several lines of people in my wheelchair. 
Suddenly while I am totally awake I saw the following, (as a vision):

I came foreward and took the place of the Imam and he took my place in 
the prayer. I am seeing myself as a completly healthy person performing 
the prayer. I was leading the prayer with several hundreds of people.

In front of my face was the holy almighty Allah Chair. Light is coming 
out from that place only and all other things are darker. The chair is 
suspended in air. On my front left side I saw winged angels. They all 
looked like giants.

The Prophet Mohammed is coming under the Almighty chair from my right 
back side. I, looking very happy, stopped Mohammed, asking him to ask 
the God to forgive me if I did any thing bad and asked Him for guidance 
to win the heavens. He smiled and tapped on my shoulder and asked me to 
do it myself, speaking directly to the Almighty. He pointed out that 
Allah can hear me and see me and that He will do it. As for the guidance,
 He told me to read the Koran more and stick to prayers.

Dreamers comments:
I felt at that time very happy and excited and same time that this was 
virtual dream. Whenever I concentrate at prayer, I see myself praying 
under the same almighty chair. This gives me a great, unexplainable 

I think of Allah in the greatest ways always. And I feel he gave gave 
me great abilities and can't thank him enough. But he has revealed to 
me hints at that dream. That it can be a power to help others, but 
still I don't know exactly how. I feel my disability is blessing in 
disguise and that I can help myself and others.


   Don't you find interesting to see that this disabled guy in 
wheelchair has a perfect Resurrection body and that Mohammed is still 
alive some 1366 years after his death in 632 AD? Regardless, even if 
can't relate nor understand anything of this... still try to pay 
attention to the following most hilarious dream... of Robin Hood. :)


LIFE after Death

Posted by kay ... at Tiger's Nest, on August 09, 1997 at 18:58:13:

In my dream it was discovered that the dead had awareness after their 
death. It was also discovered that the dead could be reanimated 
(move, talk, think, feel-but no heartbeat).The first to be reanimated 
was a 5 yr old girl.Trouble is, the walking dead tend to "age" or 
decompose. So while the girl's family was happy to be reunited, 
eventually she "faded away" for-ever. This convinces most of the dead 
to stay in their nice, safe coffins. While they have no desire to mix 
with the living, they do demand access to the internet for 
entertainment...(i dont EVEN know what to think about what THAT means!) 
Anyway, one dead guy decides he wants to try living. He's from the 
1500's, avg ht/wt, brwn hair/blue eyes, above avg attractive.
He's dressed somewhat like Robin Hood. He's negotiating with a modern 
day prostitute (some things never change-even after death!)..It's been 
over 400 years and he's a little "tense." She is average, in a pink 
halter top & black mini skirt & she had some sort of "joy buzzer" 
strapped to her ankle. He offers
her $2 (a fair price in his day) & she accepts it to my surprise. Up til 
now, I'm just observing. Now, I'm feeling a little left out. The guy is 
attractive to me, by the way. As they leave to "conduct business", she 
slaps the joybuzzer on her ankle & a bolt of electricity hits him. It 
jump starts his heart & suddenly he's totally alive-heartbeat, warm to 
the touch, etc). He grabs my hand & we leave the hooker & are walking 
arm in arm down a tree lined road. He's smiling & telling me how great 
it is to be alive. Suddenly he pulls me to one side, to a flower cart & 
buys some red wildflowers. I'm scared that the flowers will lure him 
back to the grave (funerals being filled with flowers & all that)...
That's for the personal stuff. Mostly I was observing in the 
dream except for the last bit. I wasnt scared at all of the dead people. 
I did feel jealous during the hooker scene & happy when we were walking. 
Couldnt recognize anyone in the dream.

That's all.  

 That's plenty Kay, and what a most wonderful dream... in which the ghosts 
want to entertain the livings... 

>While they have no desire to mix 
>with the living, they do demand access to the internet for 
>entertainment...(i dont EVEN know what to think about what THAT means!)

... and even if nobody wants to let them express themselves, I will try to
give them that chance...anyone else interested? :)

 Regardless... Hey! Take a look at this following one...

Gift from Mary 

Posted by stephanie on April 15, 1998 at 22:07:13:

I had a dream which had two parts- in between I woke up very upset - 
then I went back to sleep and dreamt part two. Part one was like a 
wake up call .After awhile (and much help from my husband I fell back 
asleep and dreamt this: I went to a large temple/church where I saw 
a vision of Mary in blue and gold. She was like the statues of a 
goddess in ancient Greece and Rome. As I got closer I saw a shining 
coin in the palm of her right hand. She held it out for me to take. 
I took it and I stepped back. When I looked up next her face zoomed 
in very close and she nodded twice and blinked twice to me.

I thought she must have given me a gift and perhaps will help me? 
I just don't know what the gift of a coin means. If anyone has any 
ideas I would really appreciate reading them. 


 Hey! Stephanie, why don't you go and buy yourself some Candy... at
the Museum in Candy in Greece. Ask Richard... or even Jesus who has
been trying to speak to many people lately... as in the following
dream of Nutcracker again... 

I was in high school (a student).  I was trying to find my next class.  I
wandered into a room, but this one had all upper classmen in it, this can't be
my class. The room is not square, but more L shaped.   I recognize a few faces
(one is D.R. who committed suicide shortly after graduating).  I leave through
the back door.  I wander the halls until I find the room I'm supposed to be in
(right as the last bell rings).  The teacher (I don't know if it's a history
or music class) takes me to the library.  There he instructs my friend Gail
and me to write a paper on Hoover (Herbert, I'm assuming).  He goes and picks
out some books on the subject and makes us choose one.  Gail picks the
thinnest book (it has a red cover and is about 10 pages long).  I say, "Don't
they have any damn dam books (meaning on Hoover Dam)".  I did find one in the
selection he had brought us.  It was about 30 pages long and had a worn/torn
yellow jacket.  I choose that book and he leaves us.  While I'm in the
library, I keep noticing this guy, but I can't make out (see) his face (his
face is visible, but I can't focus on it).  He's wearing blue jeans, a dark &
medium purple striped t-shirt.  He has long brown hair; straight, clean, thick
and shiny.  It has a slight 'flip' at the ends.  Now the third time I look at
him, to see who it is exactly, I can see his face.  He reminds me of Jesus,
without the beard.  His skin is clear and smooth.  He's about 35-40 years old.
He's holding up a 3' x 4' sheet of white construction paper (a sign).  The
sign has approximately 10 dozen words on it.  Words we're supposed to know the
meaning of (memorize).  (4/2/98)


 So, Jesus is still alive and would like us to study and try to memorize
a few things... and here is the "one-eyed" Odin coming out of "Mimir"...
the Fountain of the foot of the Giant Tree "Yggdrasil" as 
dreamt by Mrs.Barbro Nygren from Sweden...

Dream 3.
>I sat in front of a desk, behind sat  a man in an jacket, an scientist. He
>asked me if the light was organic or  tertiary. I said organic after much
>thinking. Then he let me out in another  time, the middle ages. The street
>was paving in pattern. In a house lived a man  that worshipped the sun and
>inside the city was an big well, in middle of the  well was a fountain.
>People threw in things or themselves into the water, so  occasionally was
>the water just mud. A man climbed up from the well and he wear  out the
>right eye since it was rotten. Then he began to discuss its  experiences.


 Wonderful, Odin, and come again... and here is Gautama Buddha... 
(2,500+ years old)... in a dream which unfortunately was of absolutely
no consequence. What a shame? :)

--------------- MESSAGE ed-core.v001.n019.1 ---------------

Subject: Buddha Baby
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 17:15:35 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I am teaching a writing and art workshop  with women- while they are busy
with an assignment, I have leisure time and go upstairs in my house.  I
find there Tody, a health care worker who has surprisingly had a baby.  The
baby is very beautiful and in an ornate gold carved box.  She tells me that
the baby is afraid. But as I look at the baby, I don't think so. I feel it
is very peaceful.  "Its a Buddha Baby! I declare.
THen I find myself walking  outback, going down a sloping hill. At one
point I look up and am amazed to see the vibrant, glowing top of a
glistening gold and white mountain.  "Come look, Come look! ", I cry,
calling to my right to my partner up in the house, sensing that she is
coming to see.   Then, I spot something high in the sky to my left, a dot.
There is a shift, and suddenly it is closer, whirling toward, me, so close
I can see what it is.  It is, to my astonishment a brightly colored green
and pink box of the cereal, LUCKY CHARMS.


Regardless, even if some people cannot understand the clearest messages
of childest dreams to interpret, here is another dream of Barbro, in which
we can observe a ghost which could be as much as 25,000 years old!!!

Dream, Y. 31 august - 1987

"I saw an Indian chief that was painted in different colors, yellow, blue
and red. The chief and one more person danced round and round. The
Indian chief should go to the worlds of spirits and finally he rode away
on a winged white horse, very calmly and gentle he took off from the
ground and thereafter he was gone. The chief said nothing during the
dream. He had an axe in his hand."


 And this Indian Chief on the Winged-Horse, dear Dreamers, was no one else
than the very world famous Horseshaman, Wakan Tanka, the Father, the Creator
of the Universe... and here is the Creation of the World according to a 
little passage from a book entitled, "Dreams - Visions of the Night" by 
David Coxhead and Susan Hiller, published in 1976 by The Crossroad 
Publishing Company, NY, NY...extracted from p.3, which, knowing your 
increased interest of shamanism, originates from the Uitoto Indians 
of Colombia... 

 ""In the beginning, the Word gave origin to the Father.

"A phantasm, nothing else existed in the beginning; the Father touched an 
illusion, he grasped something mysterious. Nothing existed. Through the 
agency of a dream our Father Nai-mu-ena (He who is, or has, a dream) kept 
the mirage of his body, and he pondered long and thought deeply.

Nothing existed, not even a stick to support his vision: our Father 
attached the illusion to the thread of a dream and kept it by the aid of 
his breath. He sounded to reach the bottom of the appearance, but there 
was nothing. Nothing existed.

Then the Father again investigated the bottom of the mystery. He tied 
the empty illusion to the dream thread and spread the magical substance 
upon it. Then with the aid of his dream he held it like a wisp of raw 

Then he seized the mirage bottom and stamped upon it repeatedly, sitting 
down at last on his dreamed earth."

 In this myth, which is a psychic and spiritual reality for the Uitoto 
 "the Creation of the World is achieved through the action of a Dream.""

 "The world begins: it begins as a dream of Nai-mu-ena in South America, 
and as dream of Brahma in the mythology of India." (Same book next page.)

 Thank you Wakan Tanka and here is a most fuunny dream of Fu-Ssi...
the Legendary and Immortal First Emperor of China... 

-----Original Message-----
Newsgroups: alt.dreams
Date: Sunday, October 04, 1998 4:48 PM
Subject: "The Two Popes"

I was in a classroom. I was teaching the class and I had handed out papers,
one to each of them. Like a test or something. Then I realized that I had
handed out different tests to each of them. More like, the test was five
pages and I had handed out only single pages. So now I had to find out who
was missing the other four pages.

But I was really lazy. I decided to let them take only one page of the test
and I would worry about it later. There was a girl in the class who I was
attracted to, but as teacher I tried to act professional. She stood up and
ran over and kissed me on the cheek. Obviously she knew how I felt about
her, and I could feel myself blushing a little, but the class didn't hoot
or holler or even seem to notice.

I went away to let them take their test. In the hallway was Pope John Paul II.  
I wasn't at all surprised to see him there. In fact, most of the time
I was in a state of apathy about everything. I would say that my mind was
far away, but more accurately, my mind was nowhere.

It seemed the Pope and I were friends.  He was dressed in his usual all
white robes.

There was another pope there, more of the appearance of a chinese emperor.
I decided I had to give this pope also my respects.  I went up to him and got
down on one knee and said, "Your grace" (I think) and held out my hand to
kiss his ring. He held out his hand also but took it away before I could
take it. Obviously, this pope did not think himself to be human. I stood
up, embarassed, as this had happened in front of the whole class. I left to go
back to Pope John. At least he had enough sense to realize that he was a
human and not a god.

But John had moved. I went outside to find him and instead found someone
named Michael. He had curly greying hair, almost white. He was rather
large, as in overweight. We were sitting in an open field. When I turned
around to ask him how he wanted to help me, but he was all of a sudden
about a hundred feet from me, in much the same sitting position. I turned back
around to face east. Across a large field was a church, only small and
flat. It did not at all look like a church. I somehow understood that John and 
a large number of clergy had crossed this field to go to the church. It was
a very large field and they were no longer in view. Obviously, it was not
their "home" church.

I wanted to follow them to see if they needed my help, but I wasn't at all
sure how I could possibly help them. In my weakened condition, how could I
help to save my religion from the new anti-pope?

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- 


 Oh! what a wonderful dream again... and what a clear message.

 When you believe in a stupid church like the Christian one...and in the 
teachings of mere mortals who don't know nothing about dreams... you get 
nowhere... in your mental weakness (ignorance).

 Well, anyways, I certainly hope that a few of you will have been able
to learn a little from these simple and most revealing dreams... and 
can see the Realm where you will go after material decorporation...
and what will happen to you after death.

 In any cases, tomorrow, I will show with the aid of another category
of Dreams of the Deads... which are the Transfiguration Dreams or
Dreams of Ghosts of Past Lives... how we can come back out of the 
Spiritual Realm...

 "Except a Man be Reborn, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." John 3,5

 ...and You shall all see the true meaning of the Words in Revelation 1,5,
in regards to...

  "The First-Born from the Deads".

Pay attention to your dreams... for, they are the best Teachers!

 Best Regards to all Dreamers of Good Will... 
who have a head on their shoulders, :)

     Dr. Deus

PS: Dreams of the Departed, from all categories, always most welcomed.



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