Dream Title              Aligator Attacks by Scott
Date of Dream            11-26-98 3 a.m.
Dream                    I find myself in an unfamilar place,a house,with a
long front porch,very much like a La. delta wood-frame house.I see a
chain-link cage-pen of sorts out in the yard. I notice my dog Carlie, out
near the pen and barking.I go out to investigate.As I near the pen I hear a
squeel from my dog and begin to run to the pen.I now can see a monsterous
Aligator that has punched a hole into the bottom of the chain pen on one
side,and it now has my dogs head in its mouth.
Fear as well as enraged anger wells up in me and I grab a 
wooden bat that is laying in the yard. I attack the Gator
raining blows about its head.The first  couple of blows gets a reaction
from the Gator and it lets go of my baby dog,but now I find myself having
to back up as the Monster Gator turns towards me.... mouth wide open and
hissing loudly...
I now am terrified and engage in a dangerous game of cat and mouse,as I run
around the pen trying to keep the gator opposite me,looking for a chance to
run across the yard to the house.In an unexpected move the Gator burst
through the hole in the pen ..crossed the pen and speared the other side
that I was standing behind.Its massive head broke through 
about halfway the length of its snout..momentairly stuck. I
took this opprotounity to run toward the house.About half the distance I
looked behind, and my heart jumped into my mouth.I saw this 15 foot Gator
up on its fat little legs 
quickly gaining on me in a full run.As I neared the poarch
I leapt through the air and the Gator slammed into the poarch.Its beady
eyes studied the poarch the steps and quickly made for the latter..I
engaged the monster with the bat raining blows at the head and nose,keeping
it at bay at the bottom of the steps..I tired but it pressed the attack
again coming up the steps..I now turned and fled into the house turning to
slam the front door ,but the Gator had hit the door entrance and the door
mearly bounced off its snout
and it forced its way inside.My terror was now paralizeing
me and stumbled backwards and tripped over some funiture...
My last memories of this terrifying dream was the Gator closeing in on me
and grabbing my right leg and with a whipping of its head I was thrashed to
and froe...then ...blackness...I awoke drenched in sweat
Comments by Dreamer      I have had one other dream I can recall from years
ago with a Aligator in it...
what is the symbolism meaning 
of Aligators in dreams???
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