On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Mark Engelberg <mark.engelb...@gmail.com>

< ... >

> So, I encourage you to rethink your belt system in terms of concepts, in
> terms of thinking and problem solving, in terms of fluency as it is defined
> in foreign languages.  See
> http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/Thoughts/Growing_a_Programmer.html
> for more ideas.

Yes, I'm finding a wealth of good materials here, much to ponder.

What I'm finding with my California class, where I have 40 hours to cover
Python, including Labs, is that I'm taking the same bonehead approach I'm
using with <guild /> and sorting the keywords into rough levels, color
coded e.g. 'yield' and 'try / except / find' come around "green" (i.e.
generator expressions about half way through, Session 05).

When you have a clear understanding of all 33 keywords (or 35 or whatever),
that's a black belt, but like the come the many levels of black.

It's around Levels of Black that I feel more at my leisure to ponder a more
nuanced set of levels.  I'm thinking more in terms of workflows, like "solo
programmer" versus "on a team" leading to such as "version control" and
"sprints" i.e. we start to introduce the social and ritual activities
associated with life as a black belt, i.e. someone who knows what all the
keywords do.

Again, I'm allowing "black" to mean something rather naive and
inexperienced, at the bottom of a new ladder.  It's like, you've learned
enough English to tackle Shakespeare and the Bible, both great mountains.
You're looking up from below, lots to tackle.  By analogy now you're ready
to tackle your first web framework maybe, just using one, not designing one.

I'm not recommending something vague like "the Python community" adopt any
color coding scheme i.e. this is not about my failed attempt to suggest
standards to other schools.  I'm just inventing a local namespace that
suits my needs and suggesting other faculties might want to chunk it up
somehow and in a way more fine-grained than Beginner, Intermediate,

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