I think dragging them through a non-trivial project start-to-finish in one
intro lesson can be effective at reaching students because it shows them
everything (which is not so much) that lies between them and a completed
application/product, thereby giving them hope and not scaring them that
it's too much of a mountain ahead ...

On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 12:04 PM Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Another plotting exercise: MathClock / MathCircle
> With X, Y coordinates,
> - Draw a circle
> - Draw a circle around the origin
> - Label degrees (360; Babylonian base 12)
> - Label fractional radians
> - Label 12 hours
> - Label the 60 minutes
> - Draw clock hands
> And then do the same with radial coordinates
> ... Number representations: change of base; Columns in e.g.
> Pandas; Trigonometry: Sin, Cos
> On Sunday, June 23, 2019, Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sunday, June 23, 2019, C. Cossé <cco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Kirby,
>>> I think kids should write their own plotting routines to graph their
>>> functions starting anywhere 3rd-7th grade.
>>> In one lesson developing a simple solar system in pygame, for example,
>>> you can teach everything from the meaning of pi, periodic motion, dynamic
>>> graphics, orders of magnitude, scaling, OOP,  ... all kinds of stuff.
>> What a fun problem! Does PyGame have 2D physics? Kerbal Space Program
>> looks fun, too
>>> AND basically lay the ground-work for developing their own 2D plotting
>>> software.
>> What grade levels or math and physics knowledge would you think
>> appropriate for these tasks?
>> - Specify the coordinates of the vertices of a cube
>> - Draw the cube in 3D (2D from a perspective)
>> - Rotate the cube or move the 'camera/observer's (around a point other
>> than the origin) in 3D space and draw each frame at time t
>>> -Charlie
>>> On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 11:09 AM kirby urner <kirby.ur...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Somewhere every summer, I tend to call into question the wisdom of
>>>> buying the kids another scientific calculator at the drug store (we call
>>>> them that here, pharmacies have calculators hanging on racks at the
>>>> checkout, to cash in on gullibility and impulse buys).
>>>> This year:
>>>> https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/4dsolutions/School_of_Tomorrow/blob/master/Sandbox_Example.ipynb
>>>> That's of course the read-only version (vs. mybinder.org) with the
>>>> benefit of a free video at the bottom, not visible on Github, where I give
>>>> my viewers the elevator speech i.e. pitch Jupyter Notebooks using Python as
>>>> superior to slaving away with a graphing calculator.
>>>> Not that anyone is still using graphing calculators right?  Sorry if
>>>> I'm beating a dead horse (idiom).
>>>> Kirby
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