Shared Project Space

What I think works well is when the students in the class have their own
shared virtual classroom in which to share Python projects.  These need not
be accessible to the public (people not in the class), but having real time
access to each others' projects -- those voluntarily shared -- creates
community and a sense of shared work.

In the meantime, every student gets a private area in which to work on
projects that aren't shared.

These may be stored in the cloud, with no software locally installed other
than a capable browser.

Or not (local installation of software may be a selling feature).  When
it's BYOD, remind students that they get to upgrade own computer, versus
leaving the cloud-based workshop with nothing installed.

Integrated Graphics

Turtle graphics were a breakthrough in the sense that something graphical
was brought into the projects.  Pythonic turtles, as objects, controlled by
code, don't become irrelevant when the math becomes more complex.[0]

If you're able to go from 2D to 3D, so much the better.  Vpython anyone?

Save Branches, Explore...

At one end of the spectrum, we have "march them through" drills wherein all
students are expected to enter the same code and reap the same rewards, a
working something.  Another approach, somewhat similar, is to hand them the
working something, and then dissect the code.  Work from both directions?

At the other end of the spectrum, one shows them "new tricks" (e.g. event
listening) and then "turns them loose" to explore.  This is where the
shared project space comes in.  Look over the shoulders of your peers, at
what they willingly share.  Remix.  Comment.

In testing new features one creates "exhibits" (like museum exhibits) that
"show off" said features.  Save these as such and then reuse them by
copying forward, to make more elaborate exhibits, up to (including) games.
Games may be shared in completed or part-way form in the classroom pool
(back to the other end of the spectrum).

Rather than insist on always frequenting one place on this spectrum, feel
free to vary the diet.  March through code a little bit.  Then show a
feature with completed shared code.  Then turn them loose to experiment
(that could mean the teacher stops talking, but keeps using the shared chat

Hands On

Given students opportunities to share code means giving them time to ponder
and write code.  The lecture format assumes students will work offline
later.  The tutorial or workshop approach assumes the students have time to
workout (practice) during the session.

Most of my suggestions above imply time during class in which to create and
share work.  I'm recommending the hands-on workshop mode over the lecture
mode in this case.  In my four hour twice a week format, we have three 20
minute labs per meetup.  In my summer school for kids format, we would
often have 20-30 minute intervals for discovery and exploration.  We had
2.25 hour meetups. [1]

Shared Chat Stream

Even when my students are all in the same room, physically, I encourage
using the chat window, a scrolling record I might study in more depth
later, alluding back to it the next time we meet.  In the stereotypical
historical classroom "note passing" is discouraged by the teacher, but in
this case the convention is flipped and the teacher participates in the
chatter, a way to have synchronous commentary that's not disruptive of the
audio track.  Students may share URLs.  I encourage them to log the chat.

Recent examples (School of Tomorrow playlist):      (re phasors...)  (exercising a "fire at intervals" feature)

These specific examples are Codesters-centric (, however my
above summary is not premised on using any specific platform, nor even
language (though I specify Python, this being edu-sig after all).
Codesters is modeled on MIT Scratch in many ways.  Platforms such as have a classroom feature (with which I'm presently less familiar).

Note:  if a coder is making the transition from block-based Scratch to
Python or other lexical (as in non-graphical) language, and finding it
painful, I will sometimes recommend doodling in Scratch while auditing the
Python part.  My emphasis on integrated graphics (above) is against the
current backdrop of many coming to Python by way of MIT Scratch as a first
development environment.

I can well imagine a scenario wherein a teleteacher encourages a virtual
classroom of students to establish their own accounts and then
share with one another by pasting URLs to the Zoom chat window (Zoom being
video-audio meetup software).  I may try doing this myself.

These Youtubes are similar to what I'd be sharing during a live
teleteaching gig, such as we did this summer, me in Portland, the middle
school students in Illinois in their own classroom (Carl Sandburg College
computer lab). [2]

I also pick student projects out of the shared pool and talk about them "in
front of" the class (shared monitors), something I'm not doing in either



[0]  If adults have a problem with "turtles" call them "tractors" (a joke I
make in Pythonic Andragogy).  Seriously, I'm looking at adult topics such
as AC current and Steinmetz phasors using complex numbers, with nothing
more than turtles er tractors in Codesters.

[1] My next such Codesters-based middle schooler teleteaching gig is in
Nevada I believe.  I'll be doing Spyder and Jupyter Notebooks with adults
in California.  However I often show Codesters to adult Python learners,
which connects me back to the more "grown up" topics of AC current and
related "grid talk" (a common feature in my several playlists).

[2] As a Youtube character, I adopt many of the conventions of the genre
(dress code etc.), helping to carve out a mnemonic niche, as one more
educational video clown (memorable teacher).  I've been influenced by
Coding Train among others.  Lots of great Python teaching going on. Shout
out to Socratica.
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