Forwarding this from the Gcompris list.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Niko Lewman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 19, 2006 2:45 AM
Subject: [gcompris] GCompris in Finland
Cc: Bruno Coudoin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all

A lot has happened here during the summer, but I try to be brief.
The National board of Education realized that they ought to start supporting
schools implementing FOSS and FLOSS software. Now we have two projects,
Technical and Pedagogical. I am the chairman and the main contributor of the
Pedagogical team. Our goal is to publish concise document for the teachers of
what software is out there and how to use it.

We have also localized edubuntu and we shall ship it to all the schools.

I will translate the

into English and Finnish, if that's ok?

Keep up the good work, we try to spread it up here in the North too!
Niko Lewman
Teacher | Luokanopettaja
Ressu Comprehensive School
Ressun Peruskoulu
Tel. +358931082108
Fax. +358931082116
P.O.Box 3107
FIN-00099 City of Helsinki

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