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From: Mariana Curado Malta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 23, 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: A small problem with edubuntu...
To: ankit mohan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The first question I do not know how to answer beacuse I have a DSL conection with a router so it is so automatic! But have a look in: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Broadband_ADSL.2FPPPoE_Client_.28RP-PPPoE.29

But the second I can tell you the following:
1. in a console do cat /proc/partitions  which contains a list of all disks and partitions recognized by the system
2. you have to configurate your /etc/fstab file for that do vi /etc/fstab and insert the lines of your other disks. If you don't know how to do I need you to send me the result lines of point 1

For instante, if you have a IDE disk hdb with one partition you should write in your fstab the following

/dev/hdb1   /media/hdb1    auto   rw,user,auto  0   0

if it is a widnows filesystem instead of auto write ntfs, if it is a linux ext2 or ext3 you shuld write ext2 or ext3...

auto for the system to mount the disk during the boot time.

You have also to define a directory for the mount point (mkdir /media/hdb1) if it doesn't exist. And you have to give access to you (as a user) to read and write on that directory.

Anyone if you have more problems or if you don't inderstand anything I said just keep posting!

Good luck!
On 8/22/06, ankit mohan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

This is for the first time that I am posting to this mailing list, so I think I should introduce myself first... I'm Ankit, and a new edubuntu user. In fact it was only yesterday that I recieved my "ship it" request.

But, I've already run into problems with it! I know its a very trivial question, but I can't seem to figure out a way to configure my PPPoE internet on edubuntu. Any help would be appreciated. Moreover, why can't I access my other logical drives... isn't there a way to do it?

Thanks in advance.


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Mariana Curado Malta
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Mariana Curado Malta
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